How and Why Meditation Works
Many studies have shown the benefits of meditation. But just how and why does it work? To explain that we need to talk a little bit about the brain. The brain is composed of billions of brain cells called neurons. These neurons use electricity to communicate with each other. A large number of neurons communicating at once produce an enormous amount of electrical activity in the brain. This electrical activity is also known as a brainwave pattern. The speed of a brainwave is called a frequency; which is measured in Hertz.
Day in and day out, 24 hours a day these neurons are firing off electrical charges to talk to each other and give the rest of our body instructions. These brain patterns are closely related to our thoughts, our emotions and the functioning of our bodies.
Brave wave frequencies have been divided into four levels:
Beta (14–30 Hz per second) This is the normal waking consciousness. This is the state associated with normal alertness as we go about our day. The highest levels of beta are associated with anxiety, disharmony, fear and anger.
Alpha (9– 13 Hz per second) This is a state of relaxation. I'm not talking about plumping down in front of the TV. This is a deeper state of relaxation. This level is often associated with daydreaming or the state just prior to sleep, or the drowsiness just before waking. This is relaxed focus and a state of light trance. In this state the subconscious can begin to be accessed. This is a level in which enhanced learning occurs. Alpha is the level we reach during meditation. While at this level affirmations and visualizations can be introduced during meditation that can reach the subconscious level of our brains. Alpha is when the mind is most open to suggestions and subjective programming. The programming that can be done to the subconscious in alpha is almost the same thing as hypnosis but when applying suggestion with the alpha brain waves you are the one giving the programming.
Theta (4 – 8 Hz per second) This is the dreaming state. REM, or rapid eye movement, occurs during this state. There is increased creativity as evidenced in our dreams. At this state there is an even greater potential for change of behavior as we reach the subconscious at an even deeper level. This is the hypnotic stage and a stage which can be reached with practice in deep meditation. Material learned in this state has increased retention. We can have visionary experiences in the lower end of this state as well as a feeling of insight, just a knowing of something; those "ah ha" moments. Theta is much harder to consciously be in control of as it is the state right before falling asleep. When approaching this state there is a tendency to fall asleep. With practice it can be done, just be sure to sit upright. During this state there is sense of suspension of time and upon ending the meditation a feeling of not knowing how much time as passed is common, but don't worry, it's highly unlikely you would stay there for long without falling asleep.
Delta (.1 – 3 Hz per second) This is dreamless sleep. During this state the human growth hormone is released. Yes, that one that all the Hollywood people are getting to stay young. This is a deep, trance-like state. There is a complete loss of body awareness. At this state there is complete access to the subconscious or unconscious as well as the collective unconscious.
In neural feedback and brainwave training, otherwise known as biofeedback, instruments are attached which measure the brain waves and emit a sound. In this way we can train ourselves to return to that state. As said before, most meditation is spent in alpha state. With practice we can eventually learn to reach the alpha state by responding to the sound.
Some types of meditation programs produce a sound which matches the frequency of the desired brain wave state. The idea here is that the brain will mimic that frequency, taking us into ever deeper levels.
One program out now says through the use of sound we can be brought to a waking delta state. At that level it's said to be possible to acquire super learning, as well as increased production of the growth hormone and DHEA for energy and looking and feeling younger. It sounds intriguing. I haven't tried this yet but plan to soon. I'll let you know how it goes. Or try it out yourself and let me know what you think.
Of course our brains need to be flexible and able to adjust. We can't spend all of our time in alpha or beta, or all of our time sleeping in delta, and its best for us to not spend all of our time in beta as well.
Whether you are looking for release from anxiety or other health problems, better emotional balance, or spiritual enlightenment, it can be found through meditation. Whatever program you use, the benefits are well worth the effort.
Many studies have shown the benefits of meditation. But just how and why does it work? To explain that we need to talk a little bit about the brain. The brain is composed of billions of brain cells called neurons. These neurons use electricity to communicate with each other. A large number of neurons communicating at once produce an enormous amount of electrical activity in the brain. This electrical activity is also known as a brainwave pattern. The speed of a brainwave is called a frequency; which is measured in Hertz.
Day in and day out, 24 hours a day these neurons are firing off electrical charges to talk to each other and give the rest of our body instructions. These brain patterns are closely related to our thoughts, our emotions and the functioning of our bodies.
Brave wave frequencies have been divided into four levels:
Beta (14–30 Hz per second) This is the normal waking consciousness. This is the state associated with normal alertness as we go about our day. The highest levels of beta are associated with anxiety, disharmony, fear and anger.
Alpha (9– 13 Hz per second) This is a state of relaxation. I'm not talking about plumping down in front of the TV. This is a deeper state of relaxation. This level is often associated with daydreaming or the state just prior to sleep, or the drowsiness just before waking. This is relaxed focus and a state of light trance. In this state the subconscious can begin to be accessed. This is a level in which enhanced learning occurs. Alpha is the level we reach during meditation. While at this level affirmations and visualizations can be introduced during meditation that can reach the subconscious level of our brains. Alpha is when the mind is most open to suggestions and subjective programming. The programming that can be done to the subconscious in alpha is almost the same thing as hypnosis but when applying suggestion with the alpha brain waves you are the one giving the programming.
Theta (4 – 8 Hz per second) This is the dreaming state. REM, or rapid eye movement, occurs during this state. There is increased creativity as evidenced in our dreams. At this state there is an even greater potential for change of behavior as we reach the subconscious at an even deeper level. This is the hypnotic stage and a stage which can be reached with practice in deep meditation. Material learned in this state has increased retention. We can have visionary experiences in the lower end of this state as well as a feeling of insight, just a knowing of something; those "ah ha" moments. Theta is much harder to consciously be in control of as it is the state right before falling asleep. When approaching this state there is a tendency to fall asleep. With practice it can be done, just be sure to sit upright. During this state there is sense of suspension of time and upon ending the meditation a feeling of not knowing how much time as passed is common, but don't worry, it's highly unlikely you would stay there for long without falling asleep.
Delta (.1 – 3 Hz per second) This is dreamless sleep. During this state the human growth hormone is released. Yes, that one that all the Hollywood people are getting to stay young. This is a deep, trance-like state. There is a complete loss of body awareness. At this state there is complete access to the subconscious or unconscious as well as the collective unconscious.
In neural feedback and brainwave training, otherwise known as biofeedback, instruments are attached which measure the brain waves and emit a sound. In this way we can train ourselves to return to that state. As said before, most meditation is spent in alpha state. With practice we can eventually learn to reach the alpha state by responding to the sound.
Some types of meditation programs produce a sound which matches the frequency of the desired brain wave state. The idea here is that the brain will mimic that frequency, taking us into ever deeper levels.
One program out now says through the use of sound we can be brought to a waking delta state. At that level it's said to be possible to acquire super learning, as well as increased production of the growth hormone and DHEA for energy and looking and feeling younger. It sounds intriguing. I haven't tried this yet but plan to soon. I'll let you know how it goes. Or try it out yourself and let me know what you think.
Of course our brains need to be flexible and able to adjust. We can't spend all of our time in alpha or beta, or all of our time sleeping in delta, and its best for us to not spend all of our time in beta as well.
Whether you are looking for release from anxiety or other health problems, better emotional balance, or spiritual enlightenment, it can be found through meditation. Whatever program you use, the benefits are well worth the effort.