Family & Relationships Conflict

4 Tips For Mending a Broken Heart

Healing from a broken heart is, unfortunately, something that is a part of life.
It is a pain that can be so dramatic and massive that it feels like a physical blow from which you will never recover.
It is not uncommon to want to simply curl up into a ball and hope that you wake up and everything is all better and back to normal.
But as much pain as you might be in, you know this is not reality.
And as much as I would like to say there is an easy, simple solution to get over the pain of a broken heart, the simple truth is that there is not.
There is no quick-fix band-aid solution.
And in a certain way, you can consider this a good thing.
Feeling this much pain mean that you are capable of also feeling a tremendous amount of pleasure and happiness.
They go together and are opposite sides of the same coin.
If you were to feel no pain at all, imagine life as an emotionless, flat line...
that is no way to live.
And while it is cliche to say this, it is true; time heals all wounds.
So while there is no "quick" fix, know that with time you will recover and get back to your old self.
In the mean time there are a few tips you can follow to help you get to that point.
  1. Go ahead and cry.
    If your heart has been broken, you are going to feel like crap for a while, there's no doubt about it.
    Keeping that emotion bottled up inside you is not going to help you get over things, and it can be physically unhealthy for you while also potentially prolonging your pain.
    I'm not suggesting you walk around crying all day, every day for weeks on end.
    But having a good cry in natural and literally helps to physically release a lot of tension and sadness.
    It is a health process and should not be inhibited.
    At the same time, don't let yourself over-indulge in it and wallow in the past.
    Grieve, but be prepared to move forward with your life.
  2. Talk it out with someone close to you.
    We all have people who care about us and are willing to give us a shoulder to cry on for a while.
    Use it.
    Verbalize your grief.
    They will listen and may even offer some suggestions on how to deal with your situation.
    Listen to them (though you don't necessarily have to take their advice and act on it, do listen to what they have to say).
    Be sure to voice your appreciation for them letting you share and don't abuse the situation.
    Again, you are allowed to grieve, but your life will go on and you don't want to dwell too much on the past for too long.
  3. While you don't want to dwell on the past, some people will tell you to forget the past altogether.
    If this works for you, then fine.
    On the other hand, if you were to literally forget the past, you would never learn from it.
    If your heartache comes from a failed relationship, learn from it so that you don't repeat the same mistakes in the future.
    If you are grieving the loss of a loved one, you certainly don't want to 'forget' them.
    Let their memory live on with you, but make them GOOD memories to hold on to.
    That is how they would want to be remembered, not for causing you grief and pain.
  4. Engage in life.
    Distract your self and be busy.
    Get together with friends in social situations outside of the house where there are plenty of distractions.
    If you're at the house, work on projects you've been putting off.
    It will help you burn off stress whether you're going to the gym or going for a long walk outside.
    Depending on your personality, either of these options (or both) can be very therapeutic.
Remember, what you are experiencing is normal.
It is not easy by any means, but it is normal, and you will get through it.
You will be your old self once again, and more.
All pain causes personal growth of some sort, and you can emerge from this situation better and stronger than ever.
It may be hard to believe that now, but it is true.
Sometimes you just need to trust in the 'system' that is life.
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