How to win your ex girlfriend back when she is not responding to my sms, emails or phone calls.
What if she is ignoring me all the time? Well, if you are trying to get your ex girlfriend back, these are questions that need to be answered.
First, you need to ask yourself these questions.
1)Am I flooding her cell phone with too many text messages? 2)Am I flooding her inbox with too many email messages? 3)Am I calling her too often? Hopefully, you get the idea.
If you have been doing all those things, you need to stop doing them now.
If you are thinking of doing them, don't even think about it.
It is understandable that you will just feel like doing them.
You just feel like contacting your ex and even more so, when your ex is avoiding you.
But here is one principle that you have to know.
"People want what they do not have.
" When people cannot have something easily, they will want it more.
This is why when you cannot get your ex girlfriend to respond to you, you are even more tempted to call her again and again.
Another way to explain this principle is that if people can have what they want easily, they will take it for granted.
This may explain why your ex girlfriend is ignoring you in the first place.
You are making yourself too available.
By calling her over and over again, you are telling her that you need her and that she can get you easily if she wants to.
This is also a display of neediness and desperation.
You don't want to display neediness and desperation to your ex girlfriend.
This will only tend to push her further away.
What if she is ignoring me all the time? Well, if you are trying to get your ex girlfriend back, these are questions that need to be answered.
First, you need to ask yourself these questions.
1)Am I flooding her cell phone with too many text messages? 2)Am I flooding her inbox with too many email messages? 3)Am I calling her too often? Hopefully, you get the idea.
If you have been doing all those things, you need to stop doing them now.
If you are thinking of doing them, don't even think about it.
It is understandable that you will just feel like doing them.
You just feel like contacting your ex and even more so, when your ex is avoiding you.
But here is one principle that you have to know.
"People want what they do not have.
" When people cannot have something easily, they will want it more.
This is why when you cannot get your ex girlfriend to respond to you, you are even more tempted to call her again and again.
Another way to explain this principle is that if people can have what they want easily, they will take it for granted.
This may explain why your ex girlfriend is ignoring you in the first place.
You are making yourself too available.
By calling her over and over again, you are telling her that you need her and that she can get you easily if she wants to.
This is also a display of neediness and desperation.
You don't want to display neediness and desperation to your ex girlfriend.
This will only tend to push her further away.