- 1). Moisten a scrub brush with water. Sprinkle powdered household detergent over the scrub brush bristles.
- 2). Scrub the nicotine stains on your porcelain sink. Rinse the scrub brush frequently. Apply more powdered detergent, and continue to scrub to remove as much of the stain as possible.
- 3). Rinse the sink with water to wash away the detergent and loosened nicotine.
- 4). Make a poultice to tackle any remaining nicotine stains. Pour 1/4 cup of whiting and 1/4 cup of household ammonia into a bowl. Stir the mixture with a spoon.
- 5). Apply a spoonful of the paste to the remaining stains on your porcelain sink. Cover the stains entirely. Allow the poultice to remain on the porcelain for one hour.
- 6). Wet a nylon mesh sponge with water. Scrub the poultice-covered area. Rinse the porcelain with water, and dry the sink with a clean cloth.