- 1). Press the curtains -- both sheers and panels -- to ensure they lie smoothly. Follow the directions on the curtains themselves for ironing; some curtains can be damaged by high heat.
- 2). Ensure both the panels and the sheers are the same length. The curtains will hang evenly from the top of the window. Verify the length by checking the curtains' packaging or holding the panels and sheers side-by-side. Hem or drop the hem on either curtain type, if necessary, to make the curtains the same length.
- 3). Mount the double curtain rod, according to package instructions. These typically come with three brackets which are mounted to the window with one on each side and one in the middle. The two rods then rest on the brackets, typically about an inch apart. They are frequently held in place by a screw or other fastener, to ensure they don't move around.
- 4). Insert the front curtain rod -- often the longer of the two -- into the pocket of the curtain panels. Insert the back curtain rod -- typically shorter or narrower -- into the pocket of the sheers.
- 5). Replace the curtain rods, beginning with the sheer curtain rod, on the brackets. Use the fastener to hold in place.
- 6). Mount curtain tie-backs on each side of the window, if desired. These are popular with panel-sheer curtain pairs because they allow the panels to be pulled back while the sheers continue to add privacy and filter light.