Yes, I know, you are probably thinking that I'm some kind of nutcase, telling you that you can get your ex to fall in love with you again.
However, if you read the advice that I'm offering, you will see that it is really easy.
In fact, it is so easy, that it almost happens by itself, without any effort from you at all.
What I'm talking about of course, is simply, time.
That's all - nothing fancy that costs the earth, no magic or psychic scams or anything, but plain and simple time.
How on earth can time help, are you wondering? It's easy.
You and your ex are angry with each other now, right? It would be great if you could just switch your anger off, but this is impossible.
The only effective way to get rid of anger is to let enough time pass, so that the anger can disappear.
There is also no on/off switch that can make your ex fall in love with you either.
However, when enough time has passed, and if you time it right, when you make contact with your ex, you will have a really good reaction from her.
The thing is, allowing her some space to think things over will give her time to get over her anger as well, and begin to think differently about you.
She will appreciate the fact that you respect her wish to be alone for a while, which is in itself already a point in your favor.
Having time away from your ex will also allow you to think things over and fix any problems, should there be any that you need to fix.
All in all, a good dose of time away from each other can only be beneficial to both of you.
The familiar feelings of love for each other will return, you and your ex will start to think of all the good times you had together, and then the missing will set in.
It will get to a point when you are missing each other so much, that it will become unbearable.
This is precisely the time when you will get your ex to fall in love with you again - the chances are she'll love you even more than before, because you've been apart for a while.
I can also tell you that, being apart will also make you both appreciate each other more, and make you more determined to make each other happy in future.
However, if you read the advice that I'm offering, you will see that it is really easy.
In fact, it is so easy, that it almost happens by itself, without any effort from you at all.
What I'm talking about of course, is simply, time.
That's all - nothing fancy that costs the earth, no magic or psychic scams or anything, but plain and simple time.
How on earth can time help, are you wondering? It's easy.
You and your ex are angry with each other now, right? It would be great if you could just switch your anger off, but this is impossible.
The only effective way to get rid of anger is to let enough time pass, so that the anger can disappear.
There is also no on/off switch that can make your ex fall in love with you either.
However, when enough time has passed, and if you time it right, when you make contact with your ex, you will have a really good reaction from her.
The thing is, allowing her some space to think things over will give her time to get over her anger as well, and begin to think differently about you.
She will appreciate the fact that you respect her wish to be alone for a while, which is in itself already a point in your favor.
Having time away from your ex will also allow you to think things over and fix any problems, should there be any that you need to fix.
All in all, a good dose of time away from each other can only be beneficial to both of you.
The familiar feelings of love for each other will return, you and your ex will start to think of all the good times you had together, and then the missing will set in.
It will get to a point when you are missing each other so much, that it will become unbearable.
This is precisely the time when you will get your ex to fall in love with you again - the chances are she'll love you even more than before, because you've been apart for a while.
I can also tell you that, being apart will also make you both appreciate each other more, and make you more determined to make each other happy in future.