In this preview of the Magic of Making up, you are going to find out the 3 very important rules you never want to break when you're trying to win back your ex.
Emailing frantically.
Calling at all hours.
Hassling their friends and family etc.
This will surely have very bad consequences.
No one is going to want to deal with anyone acting irrational.
This is tough because your in pain but you have to keep sane! Above all don't panic and do something that will cause further upset.
Realize that when you are acting panicky and frantic that it spreads to the other person and the end result is just more drama and upset.
Second - Write a short handwritten letter, agreeing with the break up.
Let the other person know they were right.
You have to let them go before they will ever come back.
I know this sounds risky but it'll all make sense.
Keep the letter short and to the point.
Don't be over dramatic or slip into any kind of set up to see them or talk to them.
This comes later as you will see.
You want to recover this and make it a lasting relationship, right? Third - Couples reunite all the time.
This is a must for you to understand.
For your own peace of mind.
You know this happens.
You've seen it yourself, so knowing this can really help stabilize you and get you ready to figure out your next move in getting your ex back.
Again, think about this point: "People Get Back Together All the Time" Just take a moment and think about all the love stories and movies etc.
, etc.
Always have hope and determinism.
You can do this.
You just need to be coached on the steps to proceed.
These golden rules aren't taught in school or counseling sessions.
Following these golden rules is very important to your success in rebuilding your relationship and getting back your ex.
You just need to keep calm and plan out how to proceed next.
These days people give in to the pressures of life and don't realize that two people bonded together in love can conquer anything that life can throw at them.
A lot of people seem to miss this point and don't fight hard enough to develop and create their relationship.
It's not some automatic thing.
A lasting relationship has to be created every day.
The good thing is that it is so much fun.
So don't ever give up.
- Don't go insane.
- Agree with the break up.
- Realize that people get back together all the time.
Emailing frantically.
Calling at all hours.
Hassling their friends and family etc.
This will surely have very bad consequences.
No one is going to want to deal with anyone acting irrational.
This is tough because your in pain but you have to keep sane! Above all don't panic and do something that will cause further upset.
Realize that when you are acting panicky and frantic that it spreads to the other person and the end result is just more drama and upset.
Second - Write a short handwritten letter, agreeing with the break up.
Let the other person know they were right.
You have to let them go before they will ever come back.
I know this sounds risky but it'll all make sense.
Keep the letter short and to the point.
Don't be over dramatic or slip into any kind of set up to see them or talk to them.
This comes later as you will see.
You want to recover this and make it a lasting relationship, right? Third - Couples reunite all the time.
This is a must for you to understand.
For your own peace of mind.
You know this happens.
You've seen it yourself, so knowing this can really help stabilize you and get you ready to figure out your next move in getting your ex back.
Again, think about this point: "People Get Back Together All the Time" Just take a moment and think about all the love stories and movies etc.
, etc.
Always have hope and determinism.
You can do this.
You just need to be coached on the steps to proceed.
These golden rules aren't taught in school or counseling sessions.
Following these golden rules is very important to your success in rebuilding your relationship and getting back your ex.
You just need to keep calm and plan out how to proceed next.
These days people give in to the pressures of life and don't realize that two people bonded together in love can conquer anything that life can throw at them.
A lot of people seem to miss this point and don't fight hard enough to develop and create their relationship.
It's not some automatic thing.
A lasting relationship has to be created every day.
The good thing is that it is so much fun.
So don't ever give up.