Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Making Women Orgasm: Avoid These 3 CRITICAL Mistakes If You Want Her To Climax EVERY Time During Sex

Making women orgasm is the key to what makes us men good lovers.
When girls talk to their girlfriends about their sexual experiences, they are always quick to point out who couldn't "get the job done.
" In that regard, girls are just as bad as guys are when it comes to giving out all the sordid details regarding what goes on in the bedroom.
If you are a bad lover and enough women experience that, word WILL get out.
So how can you ensure that your woman climaxes every time you have sex? There is always oral sex, which any man who is competent at all should be able to use to give a girl an orgasm, but that isn't always good enough.
Women want guys who can make them climax through intercourse alone.
If you can't do it, there is a very good chance you are making one (or more) of three CRITICAL mistakes that will keep you from giving a woman full satisfaction.
Here they are.
Concentrating too much on your own pleasure.
Not only will this give you the reputation among women of being a "selfish" lover, it is completely pointless to do to begin with! Did you forget the fact that you are a guy, and therefore you are going to climax during intercourse no matter what? There is no point in doing during sex what feels good to YOU without regard for what feels good to HER, because even if you concentrate solely on what feels good to her, it is still going to feel good to you! You are still going to climax, it is going to be a great feeling, and chances are, it will take some effort just to keep from climaxing too early! For guys, experiencing pleasure during sex is almost NEVER a problem, so don't worry about it and certainly don't concentrate on it when your focus should be on pleasing her.
Being too shy to ask her what she wants.
Asking a girl what feels good to her or what she wants to try in bed does not make you an incompetent lover and done the right way, it does not even show a lack of confidence.
Men always have it pounded into their hands (for good reason) that confidence is KEY when it comes to lovemaking.
Therefore, many of them feel shy about asking a woman what she wants him to do in bed because it comes off like he is not confident in his own abilities.
After all, shouldn't a guy KNOW what to do to turn is woman on? The answer is not always! All women are different, and if you ask her in a confident way, it will turn HER on that you are concerned enough about her pleasure to want to know EXACTLY what she wants you to do to give her the best orgasm ever.
Thinking that your penis size doesn't matter.
It's time to face the facts: size matters.
I know because I used to be only 5.
5 inches long and 5 inches around, and my size wasn't sufficient to make most women climax through intercourse alone.
Without a big enough penis, the strokes you deliver when you thrust aren't long, smooth, and satisfying enough, and you can't create enough friction to really set her off, especially friction on her clitoris (located outside her vagina) which is the most important area to be able to stimulate during sex.
I used hand exercises to go from 5.
5 inches to over 8 inches and also add an inch of girth and it was the single most important thing I did to start making EVERY girl I have sex with orgasm intensely.
Best of all, I started seeing size gains within only two weeks.
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