Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

Home Organization For Kitchen And Bath

Home organization can be easy for some and very difficult for others, but keeping your bath and kitchen organized are the hardest of all. A few simple guidelines can help anyone keep things separated and ordered in your bath and kitchen. Even when organizing your entire house it is still a good idea to start with the most cluttered spaces and organize these aspects of your life first.

A good place to start your home organization is the bathroom. There are a surprising number of different items that come in small sizes such as Q-tips, shaving razors, lotions, nail clippers and other various toiletries. It may seem like there is no place to organize so many small items, but all you have to do is purchase some kind of small item organizer such as a little miniature shelf or drawer organizer. Any kind of small organizing container must also find a place within your bath place.

Usually there is room in the back corner of the bathroom sink to allow easy access to toiletry items. Some people go a step further and built a shelving section or cabinet into one of the walls of the bathroom between two studs. Taking the time to build a cabinet or shelf into a wall in your bathroom can be an immense space saver. Other option would be to use a more natural wicker kind of organizer. Don't forget to make use of a shower organizer as well. Some fit into corners and others hang from the shower head.

The next room to organize is the kitchen, which holds many opportunities for lasting home organization. First, tackle your cabinet space and either expand upon it or store your dishware in a more efficient manner. If you can't add to your cabinet space you can take off the doors and create more space as well as better access. Also, things like stacking stemmed glasses upside down every other glass can make more room.

Make sure you don't have too much clutter in your utensil drawer as this can be a common place for people to throw everything in the kitchen. A good idea is to only have enough utensils to fill a typical fork, spoon and knife utensil tray and keep everything else in other drawers. Having a separate drawer for cooking utensils by the oven and another drawer for specialty items like can openers, measuring spoons and measuring cups can help.

Another good idea is to take it easy on the plastic storage containers. It is very economical to store leftovers, but most plastic storage containers are not in use and their size takes up a large amount of space in your cabinets. Also, don't forget to regularly take inventory of your pantry. Once you know exactly what you have in the pantry and how old it is you can be sure to cook meals that use the oldest food you have first to make room for your new food. Get rid of that two year old can of beans.

The bathroom and the kitchen have so much clutter that just organizing these parts of your house alone can make an amazing difference. Once you have these rooms done you can continue your home organization with the knowledge you have the hardest parts done.
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