- Add brewer's yeast to your pet's food. The thiamine in brewer's yeast repels fleas. Daily dosage recommendation is 1 tsp. for an average size cat to 1 tbsp. for a large dog.
Mix garlic into the pet food. Garlic is known to ward off fleas. Warning: There is indication that garlic may be toxic to pets in large quantities. Talk to your veterinarian prior to feeding your pets any garlic.
Add a small amount of apple cider vinegar to your pet's drinking water or food. Fleas do not like the vinegar's acidity. - Mix apple cider vinegar with water in a spray bottle. Mist onto your pet's coat to deter fleas.
Dust brewer's yeast onto your pet's coat. This will repel fleas and is not toxic if ingested by your pet.
Comb sage through your pet's fur. Sage is readily available in the spice section of your local grocery store.
Rub tea tree oil on your dog's coat as a flea repellant. Do NOT use tea tree oil on cats.
Sprinkle your pet with cornstarch or baking soda. Let sit and then brush off.
Pet Food Additives
Pet Grooming