1. Burning, strong passion for another.
2. Single-minded focus on winning a beloved mate no matter what obstacles are in one's path.
3. Devotion to another that is especially intense.
Also Known As: devotion, love, passion
Alternate Spellings: ardour
Example: "Some who claim that atheism is a religion base their argument on the definition of religion as a 'cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith".
from Myth: Atheism is Defined by the Dictionary as a Religion
1. Burning, strong passion for another.
2. Single-minded focus on winning a beloved mate no matter what obstacles are in one's path.
3. Devotion to another that is especially intense.
Also Known As: devotion, love, passion
Alternate Spellings: ardour
Example: "Some who claim that atheism is a religion base their argument on the definition of religion as a 'cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith".
from Myth: Atheism is Defined by the Dictionary as a Religion