Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Healthy, Beautiful, Sexy - Is This You?

All women are sexy and beautiful and we would like to take the stereotypes away and feel good about ourselves by gaining health and wellness through learning and support, self confidence, self awareness and self acceptance.
This is a great opportunity for women to learn from other women and also teach from their own values and experiences.
So, where do we start, how do we make changes to how we feel about ourselves and have the confidence to share ourselves with the world.
Imaging the confidence of allowing people to see you the way you have dreamed of.
Positive attitudes are contagious and as we work together to discover our beauty we can pass it on! Steps to take in finding the sexy you, the healthy you and the beauty within, takes constant searching, tuning and determination.
We all have doubts, social phobias about how people see us, we lack confidence to succeed in certain areas of our lives.
Sounds depressing I am sure.
But the good news is that we all can over come our issues and the things that keep us down.
For years most of us have been shown (what we determine as truth) the way the world sees women, what is considered beautiful and sexy.
We have been sold on fantasies that most women will never achieve.
The fantasy of being the right size, the right age, the right colour of hair and feeling the failure of just not being beautiful.
Even if we logically know that you don't have to be thin, blond and in your twenties to be sexy and beautiful, our self esteem is bruised from not having that attention and we have that feeling that we are just not good enough.
Women are competitive, we compare ourselves to others and sometimes not in a rational way.
What if women talked about it, discovered together instead of alone.
got together and made a difference with learning and support.
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