What would you say if someone told you that you could be whatever you wish to become and to have whatever you wish in life? Would you be likely to say, "I don't believe it"? If this is your response, it is an indication of your belief, and your belief will prove itself to be true.
In simple terms, you will not achieve much in life, as you believe that you do not have the power to do so.
To tell you the truth, your response would also have been my response some 10 years ago, before I stumbled across information on the power of the subconscious mind, which revolutionized my thinking.
Today, I firmly believe that we have the power to take control of our life and direct it along any course that we choose.
We can choose to live a happy and fulfilled life if we make this goal our dominant thought everyday.
The thoughts that we choose to entertain every second of each day determines our life's experiences.
Realizing this, we have to avoid, at all costs, the belief that we are helpless victims, subject to forces beyond our control.
If we continue to believe this, then this belief will prove itself to be true in our lives.
I discovered with great amazement and fascination, that God's greatest gift to us is our subconscious mind, whose only function is to obey your every thought command.
Literally, we only have to think a thought and our subconscious mind sets in motion a chain of processes that acts out that thought in real as our experience.
This proves that our thoughts create our experience.
"We are what we think about all day long" said Emerson.
Today we are the sum total of all our past thoughts, decisions and experience.
Just as our past thoughts and decisions create our present experiences, we should be aware that our present thoughts will create our future experiences.
Our attitude towards life determines our daily experiences.
If we choose to adopt a positive attitude in every situation, we can guarantee that our experiences will turn out to be positive, because we wish it to be so.
Generally speaking, in life, we cannot control what happens to us, but we can control how we choose to react to each situation.
If we choose a positive and healthy attitude towards an event, our experiences will be far more positive, than if we choose to view that event from a negative standpoint.
If we choose a positive and healthy attitude towards an event, our experiences will be far more positive, than if we choose to view that event from a negative standpoint.
Our beliefs determine how we view life and our life dictates our experiences.
For example, if we hold to the view that "Money is the root of all evil", we are not likely to be motivated to increase our wealth, as we believe that money is an evil influence on our lives.
We will have to change our fundamental belief about 'money', to one that supports our goals, such as, "with more money, I am able to live more comfortable life" or "money is my servant and I am its master".
Another example is our belief about 'time'.
If we uphold a belief that "I never have enough time to do all the things that I want", then that belief will prove itself to be true in our life.
We will always find ourselves racing against time to complete task and not having any time to do the things that makes us happy.
Another limited belief is "I am never lucky enough to receive good offers of jobs, like other people".
This limited belief acts as a command to our subconscious mind and we will find ourselves watching other people move on in life while we are stuck in a certain position.
Our internal dialogue dictated that the subconscious mind to act it out.
Thus, it is crucial to focus our attention on what we want in life.
If we focus our attention on things we do not want in our life, this dominant thought pattern will be realized in real life.
We can choose to see the world any way we want.
Thus it is life-saving to realize that in order to experience an improved life; we have to change our present negative thoughts to positive ones.
Our subconscious mind has no capacity to argue with what we ask of it.
Whatever we command it to do, by way or our beliefs or thoughts; it will accept as our wish and is programmed to make our wish come true.
There is nothing that stops us from having what we want, except our ability to ask for it and to receive it.
In order to live a happy and more fulfilled life, we have to be aware of the thoughts every second of the day.
Ensure that our thoughts support our goals in life and they are always positive and healthy.
Research has revealed that we think approximately 60,000 thoughts in a day, but unfortunately they are thoughts which do not bring any benefit to our lives.
If we consciously ensure that at least 50% of these thoughts are meaningful thoughts that will improve our life, we will then set ourselves on a course to enjoy a far more meaningful experience.
If we wish to live a life where most of our experiences are positive, we will have to reprogram our mind and release old patterns of thinking that no longer serves us.
In simple terms, you will not achieve much in life, as you believe that you do not have the power to do so.
To tell you the truth, your response would also have been my response some 10 years ago, before I stumbled across information on the power of the subconscious mind, which revolutionized my thinking.
Today, I firmly believe that we have the power to take control of our life and direct it along any course that we choose.
We can choose to live a happy and fulfilled life if we make this goal our dominant thought everyday.
The thoughts that we choose to entertain every second of each day determines our life's experiences.
Realizing this, we have to avoid, at all costs, the belief that we are helpless victims, subject to forces beyond our control.
If we continue to believe this, then this belief will prove itself to be true in our lives.
I discovered with great amazement and fascination, that God's greatest gift to us is our subconscious mind, whose only function is to obey your every thought command.
Literally, we only have to think a thought and our subconscious mind sets in motion a chain of processes that acts out that thought in real as our experience.
This proves that our thoughts create our experience.
"We are what we think about all day long" said Emerson.
Today we are the sum total of all our past thoughts, decisions and experience.
Just as our past thoughts and decisions create our present experiences, we should be aware that our present thoughts will create our future experiences.
Our attitude towards life determines our daily experiences.
If we choose to adopt a positive attitude in every situation, we can guarantee that our experiences will turn out to be positive, because we wish it to be so.
Generally speaking, in life, we cannot control what happens to us, but we can control how we choose to react to each situation.
If we choose a positive and healthy attitude towards an event, our experiences will be far more positive, than if we choose to view that event from a negative standpoint.
If we choose a positive and healthy attitude towards an event, our experiences will be far more positive, than if we choose to view that event from a negative standpoint.
Our beliefs determine how we view life and our life dictates our experiences.
For example, if we hold to the view that "Money is the root of all evil", we are not likely to be motivated to increase our wealth, as we believe that money is an evil influence on our lives.
We will have to change our fundamental belief about 'money', to one that supports our goals, such as, "with more money, I am able to live more comfortable life" or "money is my servant and I am its master".
Another example is our belief about 'time'.
If we uphold a belief that "I never have enough time to do all the things that I want", then that belief will prove itself to be true in our life.
We will always find ourselves racing against time to complete task and not having any time to do the things that makes us happy.
Another limited belief is "I am never lucky enough to receive good offers of jobs, like other people".
This limited belief acts as a command to our subconscious mind and we will find ourselves watching other people move on in life while we are stuck in a certain position.
Our internal dialogue dictated that the subconscious mind to act it out.
Thus, it is crucial to focus our attention on what we want in life.
If we focus our attention on things we do not want in our life, this dominant thought pattern will be realized in real life.
We can choose to see the world any way we want.
Thus it is life-saving to realize that in order to experience an improved life; we have to change our present negative thoughts to positive ones.
Our subconscious mind has no capacity to argue with what we ask of it.
Whatever we command it to do, by way or our beliefs or thoughts; it will accept as our wish and is programmed to make our wish come true.
There is nothing that stops us from having what we want, except our ability to ask for it and to receive it.
In order to live a happy and more fulfilled life, we have to be aware of the thoughts every second of the day.
Ensure that our thoughts support our goals in life and they are always positive and healthy.
Research has revealed that we think approximately 60,000 thoughts in a day, but unfortunately they are thoughts which do not bring any benefit to our lives.
If we consciously ensure that at least 50% of these thoughts are meaningful thoughts that will improve our life, we will then set ourselves on a course to enjoy a far more meaningful experience.
If we wish to live a life where most of our experiences are positive, we will have to reprogram our mind and release old patterns of thinking that no longer serves us.