Getting rejected by any woman is going to hurt.
You don't wake up in the morning and hope that someone rejects you today, do you? Nope.
When the woman who does the rejecting is an ex girlfriend, it can hurt ten times more than it would had it been a woman you'd never met before.
It can mean that you feel like the dream of getting back together with her is dead and that is not a good way to feel, is it? Does it mean that you will never be able to get her back if your ex girlfriend rejects you? Sometimes yes, and sometimes no.
The point is, when you get rejected by your ex girlfriend, you should realize that it means that your approach definitely wasn't working.
So, at the very least that needs to change.
However, it should also point you in the direction of deciding that it might be time to just move on and find someone else to date.
Here are some tips that might help push you in the direction of moving on: 1.
Keep your ex girlfriend open as an option for a later date, but realize that for now, it is good to get out and meet other women.
Going out to meet other women doesn't mean that your ex girlfriend is NEVER going to get back together with you, it just means that you are going to put yourself in a position where you are able to see yourself having a good time with other women so that you know you don't have to feel like your ex girlfriend is the only woman you can be happy with.
Sometimes the very act of moving on is enough to attract your ex girlfriend's interest again.
She may not want you when she knows that you are just sitting around and hoping that she'll come back to you, but showing her that you really are ready to move on can be enough to make you seem a little bit more attractive.
It's funny that it can work out this way, but quite often it does.
If you are able to show your ex girlfriend that there are other women out there that want to be with you, that can make you seem like more of a "catch" in her eyes and at the very least, it shows that you are not going to just sit around and hope that she comes back to you.
You don't wake up in the morning and hope that someone rejects you today, do you? Nope.
When the woman who does the rejecting is an ex girlfriend, it can hurt ten times more than it would had it been a woman you'd never met before.
It can mean that you feel like the dream of getting back together with her is dead and that is not a good way to feel, is it? Does it mean that you will never be able to get her back if your ex girlfriend rejects you? Sometimes yes, and sometimes no.
The point is, when you get rejected by your ex girlfriend, you should realize that it means that your approach definitely wasn't working.
So, at the very least that needs to change.
However, it should also point you in the direction of deciding that it might be time to just move on and find someone else to date.
Here are some tips that might help push you in the direction of moving on: 1.
Keep your ex girlfriend open as an option for a later date, but realize that for now, it is good to get out and meet other women.
Going out to meet other women doesn't mean that your ex girlfriend is NEVER going to get back together with you, it just means that you are going to put yourself in a position where you are able to see yourself having a good time with other women so that you know you don't have to feel like your ex girlfriend is the only woman you can be happy with.
Sometimes the very act of moving on is enough to attract your ex girlfriend's interest again.
She may not want you when she knows that you are just sitting around and hoping that she'll come back to you, but showing her that you really are ready to move on can be enough to make you seem a little bit more attractive.
It's funny that it can work out this way, but quite often it does.
If you are able to show your ex girlfriend that there are other women out there that want to be with you, that can make you seem like more of a "catch" in her eyes and at the very least, it shows that you are not going to just sit around and hope that she comes back to you.