- To get the job done well, you will need a cleaning solution that allows you to break down the difficult stains inside your oven. You can purchase a specialized oven cleaner from your local home supply store, or you can make your own natural solution. Apartment Therapy recommends mixing 5 tbsp. of baking soda, 4 tbsp. of white vinegar, 3 drops of soap and 1 squeeze of lemon.
- Use a firm-bristled scrubbing brush on the metal racks to loosen the collected residue. To make your job easier, place the rack inside a sink full of hot water for 10 to 15 minutes before applying the cleaning solution and scrubbing. When you finish removing the deposits, rinse the racks with warm water and dry using a towel.
- While a scrubbing brush may suffice for the metal racks, you will need something less abrasive for the inner walls of your oven. To avoid scratching, apply your cleaning solution to a soft sponge and scrub the inner surface. To rinse, wipe the walls with a water-dampened cloth and then dry. Although you may feel tempted to scrub with a more invasive surface, avoid using scouring pads inside your oven.
- If you fail to remove difficult dirt and deposits even after scrubbing profusely with your cleaning solution, you can weaken the stains with ammonia. Place 1/2 cup of clear ammonia in a dish, and set it inside the oven before going to bed. The next morning, remove and dispose of the ammonia. You should then have the ability to wipe away the stains almost effortlessly using only a damp sponge (although you may apply your cleaning solution for an extra thorough job).
Cleaning Solution
Scrubbing Brush