You and your girl had a nasty argument, words were thrown through the air with no regard for either one's feelings, and the result was her leaving you.
You are heartbroken and want nothing more than to get your ex girlfriend back, but are beginning to get discouraged as your attempts at reconciliation up to this point have failed.
You've tried calling her, texting her, emailing her, to the point of obsession - with no response.
So where could you possibly go from here? To you it seems as though your ex is punishing you and trying to play hard to get, but that isn't her intentions at all.
What she needs is some time and space to move on from all the negative emotions and hurt feelings caused by the breakup.
As they say, time does heal all (well, almost all) wounds, so when you want to get your ex girlfriend back, give her the time and space she needs.
Be strong and make one last attempt at contact with your ex.
You have to accept that, even though a good number of the things said during the breakup were said in the heat of passion, and not meant, that they cut her pretty deeply.
You must apologize for the pain you've caused her and that you won't try to bother her any longer.
Give her a call, send her a text, or an email.
Then stick to your word and leave her alone.
To speed up the process of your efforts to get your ex girlfriend back, go out with your mutual friends and be sure to say nice things about her.
Let them know that she was the best thing that ever happened to you and you miss her dearly, but love her enough to respect her wishes that you leave her alone.
Word of what you've said WILL get back to her, and being given adequate time to get over her hurt feelings, she's likely begun to miss you too.
It won't be long until you get your ex girlfriend back.
Sooner or later she'll realize that you are sorry, and that she really does love you and that your relationship is worth a second chance.
You are heartbroken and want nothing more than to get your ex girlfriend back, but are beginning to get discouraged as your attempts at reconciliation up to this point have failed.
You've tried calling her, texting her, emailing her, to the point of obsession - with no response.
So where could you possibly go from here? To you it seems as though your ex is punishing you and trying to play hard to get, but that isn't her intentions at all.
What she needs is some time and space to move on from all the negative emotions and hurt feelings caused by the breakup.
As they say, time does heal all (well, almost all) wounds, so when you want to get your ex girlfriend back, give her the time and space she needs.
Be strong and make one last attempt at contact with your ex.
You have to accept that, even though a good number of the things said during the breakup were said in the heat of passion, and not meant, that they cut her pretty deeply.
You must apologize for the pain you've caused her and that you won't try to bother her any longer.
Give her a call, send her a text, or an email.
Then stick to your word and leave her alone.
To speed up the process of your efforts to get your ex girlfriend back, go out with your mutual friends and be sure to say nice things about her.
Let them know that she was the best thing that ever happened to you and you miss her dearly, but love her enough to respect her wishes that you leave her alone.
Word of what you've said WILL get back to her, and being given adequate time to get over her hurt feelings, she's likely begun to miss you too.
It won't be long until you get your ex girlfriend back.
Sooner or later she'll realize that you are sorry, and that she really does love you and that your relationship is worth a second chance.