- 1). Repair any leaks from the bathtub faucet or shower head as soon as you notice them. The steadily dripping water can wear down any paint sealer or paint layer present over time.
- 2). Spray the entire surface of the tub, including the fixtures, with a general purpose household cleaner once a week. Let the cleaner sit for five minutes, then gently wipe down the tub with a soft sponge. Turn on the tap and rinse out the sponge, then wipe the tub again to rinse.
- 3). Use a nonskid bath mat that does not have suction cups.
- 4). Keep shampoo and soap off the surface of the tub. Hang them in a shower caddy from the wall, or from the shower head. Do not hang shower caddies from the side of the tub, as they can rust and stain the paint, or create mildew stains.
- 5). Apply a liquid acrylic polish according to the package directions whenever the tub surface begins to dull, or if you develop chips or small scratches.