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Under the spinning arm,there is a grate/grill.Unscrew the nails and you may find food,pieces of glass and dirt.Remove all the waste and clean.Put the nails back after cleaning carefully - 2
Spinning arm:
Make sure the holes in the spinning arm are not clogged.Clear them by passing a wire or a big needle. - 3
Door hinges at the bottom:
Take an old toothbrush and apply some dish-washing liquid over it.Rub on the hinges and then throw some water over to clear.The hinges accumulate a lot of dirt and mess.Usually they are made of black rubber and so we hardly notice the dirt they accumulate. - 4
Door exterior:
Sponge clean with vinegar and hot water.Make sure you clean the top of the door that goes inside.This will be pretty easy. - 5
Finally,the great wash:
Fill the soap cup with powdered citric acid/vinegar.Sprinkle baking soda at the bottom of the dishwasher and now run an empty load (Full cycle with very hot water)