Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Your 1 Week Program to Stress Management

There are no shortcuts to success, and dealing with stress, is one such daunting task in itself.
There are numerous ways that can take the load off your shoulders and make one feel relieved, but you will probably find that the powers of stress are magnetic in itself an it keeps coming back when you least expect it.
To deal with stress, you ought to target the roots and slowly move towards your goal to say goodbye to the enigma of Stress.
Stress is a state of mental conditioning that takes a toll on you and can often make you lose your temper, sense of judgment, reasoning, work efficiency and much more.
It's a never-ending cycle that refuses to come to an end and can throw anyone off the edge.
Its all in the mind, there is no doubt about it.
And this brain machinery runs differently for each one of us.
One cannot be blamed for being stressed about a small loss in the share market, if his neighbor sees it as a mere game of numbers.
They are infinite variable and a million causes.
We can target our mindset rather than finding the cause and running around answering the question "why it has to be so disturbing for me"? Cutting the long story short, we still need some time to cope with the changes and revert back the trauma a stressed body goes through.
Keeping a realistic target of a few days, may be a week, it would be easy to plan your regimen with these 7 basic steps.
Getting out of the stage of denial: Similar to the Kübler-Ross model for the 5 stages of grief, the first step is overcoming the denial stage.
Stress can be good sometimes, and acknowledging your fears and anxieties only makes the tackle much easier.
Just like a bit of stress before an important exam can help you prepare better, stress can be used positively to push yourself hard in overcoming the crisis situation.
The body adapts to the internal as well as external changes each moment, and the signal we provide it from our interpretation of the situation, is what governs how we react to it.
Avoid stress precursors and enhancers: Not only is the identification of a stress source and avoiding it is important, stress can also work like an epidemic depending on the people around you.
Before you even know it, you would be a victim yourself in the company of more stressed individuals.
The idea is to not be influenced, and limit your contact if needed.
You could rather protect them in turn and help yourself by helping them deal with it.
Breath in and breath out, this is what the experts say By doing some heavy and deep breathing, you provide your body an environment of composure that helps you relax.
It is amazing how a deep breath in out as count back from 10 to 1, can make a huge difference in less than a minute.
You might even notice your palpitating heart slows down and the sweat of your hands dry out almost instantaneously.
Keep "those" thoughts at bay More than 50 % of the times we are worrying about things that might not even happen.
It is very easy to get engrossed in hypothetical analysis and getting entangled in the stress jungle all by yourself.
The idea is to think how the worst of scenarios can be avoided.
Prevention has always been better than cure so the idea is to come up with a plan on how to avoid even the creepiest scenarios.
Know yourself well, we all have those hot spots ...
Knowing what your weaknesses are rather than avoiding it, is always the best things to do.
By ignoring them or refusing to accept them, you are only fooling yourself while your body continues its cycle of reacting to it.
Analyze yourself and make sure you know what your drawbacks are.
Workload, presentations, exams or separation from a loved one, what gives you most pressure and how it can be refrained? Sometimes the causes are unavoidable but how you react is surely something that can be regulated.
Knowing what shifts you into the stress mode, could be a strong tool as you can take action to make it less stressful.
Do you need to acquire some skills? Do you need some company or humor in life? Or did you just have too much coffee? There is always a way, if you try going about it.
Don't burn the candle at both ends Talk about creating havoc? Junk food, lack of sleep, absence of workouts or physical inactivity, these are the things that could push you deeper into the trench.
The basic idea from dealing with stress is to relax yourself and taking control back once again.
Go take a walk on the beach if it helps, but combining stress along with stretching your body off limits is like treating a disease with a poison.
Every day is not a fun day, and the not so pleasant days tag along a bit of anxiety, commotion and stress to say the least.
Stress is like any other storm that goes away with time, but the sooner you get a grip, the better you sail through.
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