- 1). Don all protective gear before beginning work. The earmuffs are necessary to muffle the sound and protect your eardrums.
- 2). Plug in the jack hammer.
- 3). Position the jack hammer over the surface to be broken. Make sure to place it at a slight angle to the ground.
- 4). Press the "On" switch while holding the jack hammer steady.
- 5). Use a prying motion to force the concrete (or other material) upwards while the jack hammer is cutting into it.
- 6). After the jack hammer loosens each large chunk of material, use the jack hammer to break the chunk into smaller pieces. Then clear the pieces away. This will leave you with a cleaner area to work with. It will also give the jack hammer and your arms some time to rest. (Sustained vibration from the jack hammer can lead to Raynaud's Disease, so this rest time is important.)
- 7). Turn off the jack hammer and unplug it when you finish.