Going through a difficult breakup can cause a lot of stress, particularly when all you know is that you want your ex back so desperately it feels like a physical need.
This can lead us to be careless in our desperation, and make some very bad mistakes that can ruin our chances of pulling our relationships back together.
One of these errors is "Text Message Terrorism.
" What IS Text Message Terrorism? Well, basically what it amounts to is when you send him a seemingly endless stream of phone calls, emails, online instant messages, and yes text messages.
His voicemail box fills up, his phone is constantly buzzing, and he often gets so sick of it all that he could even go so far as to block your number...
which can REALLY make it difficult to get him back, if you can't even get ahold of him.
Why do we do it? Unfortunately, it's a sort of panic mode we can go into when we're scared of losing the ones we love.
Letting him go seems like it's a bad idea, because then we can't keep an eye on him and you'll be terrified of him moving on with his life and forgetting you in the past.
Granted, sometimes your ex does move on...
but far more often you'll find that a little break is actually just what the doctor ordered for your relationship.
Whatever the case, hounding him constantly is only gong to make things worse for you.
You need to back off and take care of YOURSELF...
getting over breakup depression and loneliness is difficult, but only impossible if you let it be.
If you can take charge of your own life and force yourself to get up and get out there, you'll find that the pain can melt away pretty quickly...
but it'll never heal if you keep aggravating the relationship by sending nail after nail into your relationship's coffin with your cell phone.
This can lead us to be careless in our desperation, and make some very bad mistakes that can ruin our chances of pulling our relationships back together.
One of these errors is "Text Message Terrorism.
" What IS Text Message Terrorism? Well, basically what it amounts to is when you send him a seemingly endless stream of phone calls, emails, online instant messages, and yes text messages.
His voicemail box fills up, his phone is constantly buzzing, and he often gets so sick of it all that he could even go so far as to block your number...
which can REALLY make it difficult to get him back, if you can't even get ahold of him.
Why do we do it? Unfortunately, it's a sort of panic mode we can go into when we're scared of losing the ones we love.
Letting him go seems like it's a bad idea, because then we can't keep an eye on him and you'll be terrified of him moving on with his life and forgetting you in the past.
Granted, sometimes your ex does move on...
but far more often you'll find that a little break is actually just what the doctor ordered for your relationship.
Whatever the case, hounding him constantly is only gong to make things worse for you.
You need to back off and take care of YOURSELF...
getting over breakup depression and loneliness is difficult, but only impossible if you let it be.
If you can take charge of your own life and force yourself to get up and get out there, you'll find that the pain can melt away pretty quickly...
but it'll never heal if you keep aggravating the relationship by sending nail after nail into your relationship's coffin with your cell phone.