Why does a person love another person? Let's look at the reasons - you enjoy each others company, you fight but make love, when you make up, you have many things in common, you are physically attracted to your lover, you laugh and joke together.
If you lose any of these ingredients you have a problem.
But all is not lost the problem can be solved.
Enjoying each others company.
Sit down and ask yourself the question, did you still enjoy each others company? If not why? Did you change, become miserable, was work getting on top of you, could you still see eye to eye on issues.
Did your ex become miserable was they moody.
A lot of the time we don't realize that we change in life.
When you had an argument; did you enjoy making up, as they say the best part of breaking up is making up.
This is a give away or a sure sign, lovers always enjoy making up, and if that's gone stale you need to look at it carefully, because one of the other reasons must be wrong.
Do the things you had in common seem to have gone out of the window? Do you argue over every silly little thing? The things you used to agree on you don't any more.
Were you still attracted to your ex? Had the burning desire to hold each other gone? Was your sex life suffering, was the flame only flickering.
A kiss can tell us a lot you can't really explain it into words but a kiss gives the game away.
Your ex didn't laugh at your jokes anymore.
The sense of humour as gone, before you use to laugh at each others jokes, but now there is only a snigger and a role of the eyes.
These reasons are not irreversible loads of couples solve these problems and reunite again All you need is love again to get your ex back.
If you lose any of these ingredients you have a problem.
But all is not lost the problem can be solved.
Enjoying each others company.
Sit down and ask yourself the question, did you still enjoy each others company? If not why? Did you change, become miserable, was work getting on top of you, could you still see eye to eye on issues.
Did your ex become miserable was they moody.
A lot of the time we don't realize that we change in life.
When you had an argument; did you enjoy making up, as they say the best part of breaking up is making up.
This is a give away or a sure sign, lovers always enjoy making up, and if that's gone stale you need to look at it carefully, because one of the other reasons must be wrong.
Do the things you had in common seem to have gone out of the window? Do you argue over every silly little thing? The things you used to agree on you don't any more.
Were you still attracted to your ex? Had the burning desire to hold each other gone? Was your sex life suffering, was the flame only flickering.
A kiss can tell us a lot you can't really explain it into words but a kiss gives the game away.
Your ex didn't laugh at your jokes anymore.
The sense of humour as gone, before you use to laugh at each others jokes, but now there is only a snigger and a role of the eyes.
These reasons are not irreversible loads of couples solve these problems and reunite again All you need is love again to get your ex back.