- 1). Locate an area of tall grass or a rocky ledge on the shore of the waters you will be fishing.
- 2). Lightly step into the grassy or rocky area close to the water, moving slowly so as not scare away small insects and creatures as you step.
- 3). Kneel down and look for crickets, grasshoppers, worms and larvae in the grassy areas and as you get closer to the shore line, look for small grass shrimp. These are about 1/4 inch in size and will be in the muddy areas at the end of the grass next to the water. If you are in a rocky area by the shore, kneel down and run your hand along the side of the rock in the water. Feel for small shells that are stuck to the side of the rock. Pry one or more from the rock. Look inside the shell to find a small clam or conch.
- 4). Place all of your gathered bait into the small cup and cover it with a lid.
- 5). Tie the small hook to the end of the line on a fishing pole and thread the hook through a piece of bait taken from the cup. Secure the bait so that it is unable to get off and the white perch will not be able to easily remove it with a few nibbles.