"I don't care how poor a man is; if he has family, he's rich.
" Sigh.
Ahhhh Family! I don't know what I would do without mine.
As a kid, one of the values instilled in me was 'Family will always be there for you'.
I'm extremely family oriented because of this now.
My wonderful grandmother and grandfather on my maternal side had 13 kids and I believe all of her kids had at least two kids, some had more.
I have a huge extended family that I love to death.
Anyways getting to the point of this article.
I have experience so much with my family.
Ups and downs, breakups, divorces, fights, cookouts, vacations, anything that is typical of a family we did it.
When I was younger the entire family would always get together for every holiday there was.
We used to be an extremely close knitted family but lately it has not been that way.
When my grandmother died, who was the rock of the family, everybody went on to do their own thing.
I didn't understand at 10, but the older I grew the more I understood how much my grandmother really did hold the family together.
I use to think, was they waiting for her to die so they could do these things?! When my grandmother died, from my perspective, the family went crazy.
If you have ever seen the movie Soul Food, then you have seen my family,the only difference is my family is extremely bigger.
I had family members moving, fighting each other, not getting along, stealing from each other, and people just causing chaos.
When you come from a close family and all of this is going on, it can be hard on a child.
One thing I notice that really threw me for a loop as a kid, if two family members were not getting along for whatever reasons, if one of them needed the other, the other family member was there for them.
If someone who was not a part of the family was messing with a sister or brother, uncle, cousin, or who ever, no matter what the two family members had going on, they'd drop it for the time and support each other as if nothing was going on between the two of them.
My family is very dysfunctional in my eyes, but I love them and I feel as if I have the best family ever because I know regardless of whatever happens to me, where ever I go, whatever I do, my family will support me or help me if nobody else will.
My family is extremely supportive.
They have done so much for me and all of them, whether they know it or not, have contributed to me getting out of college.
They may not understand the things I do but, one thing that keeps me going is I know they will be there for me.
So no, I don't have millions of dollars but I have something that is way more valuable than money could ever be, I have a family that loves me and want only the best for me.
They may be crazy but I love them and I'll be crazy with them.
Cherish your family and let them know because of them you are the richest person alive.
" Sigh.
Ahhhh Family! I don't know what I would do without mine.
As a kid, one of the values instilled in me was 'Family will always be there for you'.
I'm extremely family oriented because of this now.
My wonderful grandmother and grandfather on my maternal side had 13 kids and I believe all of her kids had at least two kids, some had more.
I have a huge extended family that I love to death.
Anyways getting to the point of this article.
I have experience so much with my family.
Ups and downs, breakups, divorces, fights, cookouts, vacations, anything that is typical of a family we did it.
When I was younger the entire family would always get together for every holiday there was.
We used to be an extremely close knitted family but lately it has not been that way.
When my grandmother died, who was the rock of the family, everybody went on to do their own thing.
I didn't understand at 10, but the older I grew the more I understood how much my grandmother really did hold the family together.
I use to think, was they waiting for her to die so they could do these things?! When my grandmother died, from my perspective, the family went crazy.
If you have ever seen the movie Soul Food, then you have seen my family,the only difference is my family is extremely bigger.
I had family members moving, fighting each other, not getting along, stealing from each other, and people just causing chaos.
When you come from a close family and all of this is going on, it can be hard on a child.
One thing I notice that really threw me for a loop as a kid, if two family members were not getting along for whatever reasons, if one of them needed the other, the other family member was there for them.
If someone who was not a part of the family was messing with a sister or brother, uncle, cousin, or who ever, no matter what the two family members had going on, they'd drop it for the time and support each other as if nothing was going on between the two of them.
My family is very dysfunctional in my eyes, but I love them and I feel as if I have the best family ever because I know regardless of whatever happens to me, where ever I go, whatever I do, my family will support me or help me if nobody else will.
My family is extremely supportive.
They have done so much for me and all of them, whether they know it or not, have contributed to me getting out of college.
They may not understand the things I do but, one thing that keeps me going is I know they will be there for me.
So no, I don't have millions of dollars but I have something that is way more valuable than money could ever be, I have a family that loves me and want only the best for me.
They may be crazy but I love them and I'll be crazy with them.
Cherish your family and let them know because of them you are the richest person alive.