Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Six Important Lessons About a First Date Learned While Grocery Shopping

Really, recently when I went grocery shopping I noticed all the attractive ladies it occurred to me that I plan first dates in the same manner as I go shopping.
No I am not crazy, see why: 1.
You must have a plan - When you go grocery shopping you have a plan such as focusing on the outside aisles which tend to have the fresh produce and baked goods.
On your first date you need a plan as well but considering such things as time to meet, an interesting and interactive activity, great restaurant or attraction and making any reservations that are required.
You need a list - When grocery shopping a list ensures you don't waste money and buy impulse items and just purchase what you need for the week.
On a first date you should have a short list of what you are looking for in a man or woman as well to have an effective relationship.
Otherwise, if you don't know what you want a second or third date may be a waste of time for both of your.
Perhaps a man is looking for a woman who is a good listener, pretty and Smart.
Make a rhythm like GPS or whatever and look to see if the person you are dating has these attributes.
Don't have too many things you are looking for in a man/woman or you will not be too effective in your pursue.
If they don't have these attributes you may wish to reconsider you list or thank them for a nice time.
Your Presentation - In a grocery store all the merchandise is in attractive packaging made to appeal to the shopper.
On your first date you should be dressed to impress, your goal is to sell yourself to the person you are dating.
Do not get me wrong, you still need to be yourself, but that does mean you need to put your best foot forward.
Specials - In the store the specials try to attract your interest with colorful displays usually on the ends of the aisles.
On a first date you can tell if your date is interested in you if their eyes grow wider, if their feet point towards you, they touch their face and other positive body language.
If they are looking down a lot or towards the door it may be time to leave the store, I mean end the date.
Be courteous - In the grocery store you need to navigate your shopping cart in a courteous manner and wait patiently at the check out.
On your first date you also need to be courteous to restaurant staff and other people you meet.
Turn off the cell phone and do not keep looking at other people but focus on your date and be patient and be a good listener.
Check Out - At the grocery store the cashiers handling the checkout are usually polite and have a smile.
You, on your first date need to thank your date for the evening at the end.
The next time you visit a grocery store it may provide the opportunity to meet the person of your dreams.
But it may also contain important lessons on how to conduct yourself on your next first date.
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