The main advantage you have for mending your relationship is that you can take advice from others who have been in your position and have made all the mistakes so you know which ones to avoid! I've gone through all the emotional ups and downs and had my fair share of break ups, and now that I know where I've gone wrong I wish I knew what I know now and I could've saved so many relationships.
I'm sure you don't want hear all about my lost loves all you want to know is how to get your ex back and make sure you're on the right track.
The first piece of advice I can give is to remember that no matter how much you want to blame the break up all on your ex because you are hurting so bad, you must've played some part in your relationship breaking down.
I'm not trying to make you more upset than you already are but this realisation is something that will benefit you.
So the first thing you have to make a conscious effort of doing is admitting the mistakes you made.
When you do this is makes the next step easier...
And that is admitting your mistakes to your ex partner! This is definitely not easy and it took me a while to get round to the fact that it makes getting back together so much more successful! Confronting your ex without blaming him/her will shock them and go in your favor! What's the best way to confront them? The easiest way I've found is to make a quick call and arrange a meet up.
Don't go to each others houses, make it an informal public meeting so that you are less likely to have arguments etc.
Don't seem desperate when your talking just mention that you realize where you went wrong, apologize and talk about giving your relationship another go.
This approach seems easy but your head is all over the place and it can be difficult to get the approach and your words just right.
If you want your ex back but are worried that your going to ruin you chances with the wrong approach then there's a guide that should guarantee you the right results - you can find my review below.
I'm sure you don't want hear all about my lost loves all you want to know is how to get your ex back and make sure you're on the right track.
The first piece of advice I can give is to remember that no matter how much you want to blame the break up all on your ex because you are hurting so bad, you must've played some part in your relationship breaking down.
I'm not trying to make you more upset than you already are but this realisation is something that will benefit you.
So the first thing you have to make a conscious effort of doing is admitting the mistakes you made.
When you do this is makes the next step easier...
And that is admitting your mistakes to your ex partner! This is definitely not easy and it took me a while to get round to the fact that it makes getting back together so much more successful! Confronting your ex without blaming him/her will shock them and go in your favor! What's the best way to confront them? The easiest way I've found is to make a quick call and arrange a meet up.
Don't go to each others houses, make it an informal public meeting so that you are less likely to have arguments etc.
Don't seem desperate when your talking just mention that you realize where you went wrong, apologize and talk about giving your relationship another go.
This approach seems easy but your head is all over the place and it can be difficult to get the approach and your words just right.
If you want your ex back but are worried that your going to ruin you chances with the wrong approach then there's a guide that should guarantee you the right results - you can find my review below.