- Find a national park that is along the way home or in close proximity to the travel path. Appreciate a day enjoying your travel companions while appreciating nature. This is a great way to cap what was likely a busy and exciting trip or vacation with a relaxing retreat. Top the visit off with a picnic lunch. Depending on the time available, this stop can help to break up the monotony of an otherwise dull ride home.
- As individuals go about their daily lives, it is often difficult to maintain contact with friends from years past. As people move and form new friendships and lives, it is tough to visit past acquaintances on a consistent basis. If there are family or friends nearby the proposed travel route, or even if it is necessary to steer off course a little, the return trip can be a great time to rekindle a relationship and visit someone it would be hard to make time to see otherwise.
- Break up the monotony of a long road trip home by making a stop for some entertainment and fun. Perhaps stop at an amusement park along the way and spend the day enjoying a second "vacation." There are options in almost every state, with some parks even available in more than one state, such as Six Flags. Another great option could be a canoeing or white water rafting trip. After sitting in a car for hours, a break full of excitement could be just the trick to settle in for the remainder of the trip.
- Depending on the amount of traveling that is necessary for the return trip, there are likely to be plenty of options for historical landmarks to visit. Spend some time in a museum or touring a battle field. This will provide all involved with not only a fun experience, but one filled with learning. The United States is a country filled with historical places and events, so there should be no shortage of interesting options depending on preference.
Visit a National Park
Surprise a Friend
Add Some Excitement
Take in a Bit of History