- 1). Place a plastic tarp on the floor against the wall.
- 2). Insert the caulking cartridge in the caulking gun. Place the tip of the gun against the bottom left edge of the wall, where it meets the baseboard. Apply a line of caulk across the length of the wall from one side to the other. Repeat this procedure at the bottom of the baseboard, where it meets the floor.
- 3). Run the edge of a wooden stir stick across the length of the wall, at the top and at the bottom of the baseboard, to even the line of caulk. Let the caulking set for the amount of time specified in the instructions that accompany it before continuing.
- 4). Inspect the wall for gaps and cracks. Circle any gaps or cracks in the wall with a grease pencil.
- 5). Place the tip of the gun against the wall, to one side of each crack. Apply a line of caulk across the length of the cracks from one side to the other. Run the edge of a wooden stir stick across the length of the cracks, from one side to the other.
- 6). Shake the can of foam insulation for 10 seconds. Spray the foam into the gap in the wall. Stop spraying when the gap is filled in with foam. Even the surface of the gap to the surrounding wall with the edge of the wooden stir stick. Repeat this with any other gaps in the wall.
- 7). Trip the circuit breaker at the fuse box to discontinue electrical power to the room where the wall is located.
- 8). Remove the screws surrounding any electric socket plate and/or telephone wall plate on the wall -- use a Phillips screwdriver to do this. Pull the plate off the wall. Apply a foam insulation pad around the inside of the hole in the wall that is now visible. Place the plate back on the wall and reattach the screws. Restore the electric power.
- 9). Wipe the grease pencil marks off the wall with a water-moistened paper towel. Remove the plastic tarp.