Family & Relationships Conflict

Magic of Making Up Review by a Guy Who Got His Girl Back

I recently got back together with my ex-girlfriend after being broken up for over six months. Before that we had been dating for almost two years, spending a lot of time together every day, and making a lot of happy memories. When she broke up with me it seemed to come out of nowhere and I honestly really didn't know what to do at all.

Eventually, I stumbled onto this random e-book that helped me make sense of everything and get me back on track. I'll come back to that in a minute, though. Let me start at the beginning.

So, I got really depressed after the break, didn't want to go out or do anything ever, and lost my appetite in a way I didn't even know was possible. I would sit down and try to force myself to eat and everything just tasted like dirt, it didn't matter what it was. Could have been cereal or a filet mignon, I just didn't want it.

After a month or two I was still really depressed but life went back to some degree of normality. I was by no means back to my usual self but I could at least distract myself with work or something. If you are in my shoes now then I'm sure you know the feeling I'm talking about.

Anyway, eventually I started to realize that my emotions were being pretty persistent and I still really missed my ex-girlfriend. The problem was I just didn't know what to do about it. I became obsessed with it, and started watching all these stupid romantic comedies and staying online all night looking for some kind of clue. I know this is embarrassing to admit but pretty much everyone goes through this at some point so there is no shame in it.

What I started to find out was that there are a lot of e-books and videos and stuff online talking about how to get your ex back. Unfortunately a lot of them are junk, and I know because I probably bought about a dozen of these stupid things before I got one that was actually helpful and legit. A few hundred dollars later and here I am. Anyway, the thing I bought that finally helped me out and got me back on track with my girlfriend is called the Magic of Making Up by T.W. Jackson. I wouldn't say this guy is a genius or anything but he does understand the female mind better than most guys, definitely better than me at least.

By the time I read this I was at the point where I would have tried just about anything. So many other e-books and videos and online courses I bought just said "give it some time" and "see where things go and let it play out." Obviously that is no help for guys like me who were trying to get their girl back, not get over the whole thing.

Some of the stuff T.W. Jackson or "T-Dub," as he calls himself, tell you to do may seem counterintuitive at first but they are worth a try and here is why. First of all, I can see that if you have read this far into my little review story here that you have been broken up with and are looking for answers. This means you either have no idea at all what to do or are too scared to try anything. The worst thing you can do is sit around and do nothing. The reason being that girls like to "test" their man relentlessly. Many women will break up with their boyfriend at some point just to see if they care enough to try to get them back after. Yes, I know this sounds crazy, but to a lot of women this makes sense so as men we really just have to figure it out and go with it. Now, they want you to make an effort to show them how much you care, to "fight" for them, but they want you to do it in a very particular way. That's why the magic of making up was able to help me and might be able to help you too.

In his book T-Dub says that his techniques will work for anyone but to be honest I am doubtful of that, yes it did work for me but that's because my situation turned out to be fairly common. If you have cheated on your girlfriend or accidentally ran over her dog or something like that then something tells me these secrets aren't going to work quite as well for you. Sorry guys but if you cheat on your girlfriend and they catch you there's not much you can do as far as I know, you're pretty much done.

If you want to get T-Dub's book and check it out then Click Here Now! When I bought it the thing was 60% off but that was a month or so ago and I haven't looked since. And yes, I got back together with my girlfriend in under a month after getting it so I would have happily paid more obviously! Good luck guys and I hope you can get your girlfriend back, too.
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