- According to Web MD, salicylic acid is a mildly acidic formula that deteriorates plantar warts over time. It dries the area, making it impossible for warts, which love moisture and warmth, to survive. Web MD suggests soaking your feet in warm water for about 15 minutes before applying salicylic acid. You may choose a salicylic acid pack meant for plantar warts or a tube of salicylic acid lotion. You may even apply acne medication to the area, as it often contains salicylic acid. Brush the treatment onto the wart with a cotton swab and cover it with gauze or a bandage. This treatment may take several months to work.
- According to Grandma's Home Remedies, vitamin C helps to kill the virus that causes plantar warts. Though taking vitamin C supplements may help fight the virus internally, you can also use your C tablets to attack the wart itself. Crush a chewable vitamin C tablet and mix it with enough cool water to make a thick orange paste. Smear a little of the paste onto your wart and cover it with a bandage. Repeat each night before you go to bed. This way, the vitamin C attacks the virus for about 8 hours at a time. This treatment may take up to three weeks to show results.
- Vitamin E helps boost your immune system and also contains antibacterial and antiviral properties. If you take vitamin E gel capsules, you can also use them to fight your plantar warts. Carefully slice open the tip of a gel capsule and rub the vitamin E lotion over your wart each night before bed. Cover the area with gauze and tape; you should see results in about three weeks, though it will take longer for the wart to actually disappear.
- Called tape occlusion, according to Web MD, covering your wart with duct tape will smother it and make it soft enough to scrape away one layer at a time with a pumice stone. Grandma's Home Remedies suggests adding apple cider vinegar to this treatment. The salts and minerals in the vinegar are antiseptic and may help the wart disappear faster.
Apply a gauze square soaked with vinegar to your wart each night before bed and cover it with duct tape. In the morning, rub the wart with a pumice stone to remove a little of the wart. Always use the same pumice stone and always treat it with cider vinegar or rubbing alcohol after use. Do not use the pumice stone on other people or another part of your body. This treatment may take up to two months.
Salicylic Acid
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Duct Tape and Vinegar