- 1). Prepare the room. Getting everything up and off the floor is really the hardest part. Just what you move and how far out of the way is up to you and your sense of cleanliness. It's true that there can't be much dirt under a bureau that sits on the floor (in fact, it's probably the cleanest part of the rug) but if you want to start with an empty room, move everything out.
- 2). Wash the baseboards and room corners with a damp rag and vacuum the rugs well.
- 3). Pre-treat stains. You can purchase pre-wash solvents specifically designed for rugs or try a bit of laundry detergent or Oxi-clean and water. As with any cleaning product, test on an area of the rug that isn't readily visible first. Some products can discolor some rugs.
- 4). Rent a Rug Doctor and purchase cleaning solution from your local hardware store or chain. Lowes and Home Depot both offer the equipment at reasonable prices for a 24-hour period.
- 5). Fill the Rug Doctor with detergent and warm water. Plug it in and turn it on.
- 6). Start at one corner of the room and pull the machine slowly backwards toward you, dispensing the soap liquid with the button on the handle. Move in straight even lines, overlapping at each pass. Assure yourself an exit from the room that doesn't pass over the cleaned surfaces.
- 7). Allow the rug to dry completely before putting furniture back.
- 8). Repeat the process for each room.