Are you in the unfortunate position of having been dumped by your boyfriend or girlfriend? Don't despair because you can get your ex back and save your relationship! In fact, 90% of all breakups can be reversed providing you take the right steps.
While I can't teach you all the steps you must take to show you "how to get your ex back" in this short article, I can let you in on the single most effective first move you can make to get your ex chasing after you again.
Coping with a break up is not easy and because of this it's all too common for the "dumpee" to smother their ex with constant phone calls, texts and emails.
Begging and pleading does not help you save your relationship.
It will actually push your ex farther away from you.
What I'm about to tell you may sound counter intuitive but in order to get your ex back your first move must be to agree with the breakup and give your ex some breathing room.
Now take a moment to think about how subtly powerful this technique is.
This works because people by nature, want what they cannot have, so once you agree with the break up and avoid contact with your ex for a while he or she can begin to miss you.
This will create an emotional state where your ex begins to want you back.
Your ex may begin to wonder why you haven't called and perhaps even wonder if you're seeing someone new.
Amazing as it sounds this one move alone is sometimes all it takes to save your relationship.
Ideally, it is best to agree with the breakup when your boyfriend or girlfriend brings it up.
However even if you resisted and made the mistake of texting and calling constantly it's still not too late to save your relationship.
Here's what you need to do - you must write a hand-written letter and mail it to them.
No texts or emails! A hand-written letter is much more personal and romantic.
In this letter you will write something similar to this; "I know I was acting a little crazy when you mentioned the break up and I've been doing some thinking and I realize now that breaking up is the best thing for both of us.
" Of course you need to write this in your own style just be sure to keep it short and to the point.
There you have it...
your opening move.
Please don't underestimate the power of this seemingly simple technique - give it a try now and see for your self just how effective it is.
While I can't teach you all the steps you must take to show you "how to get your ex back" in this short article, I can let you in on the single most effective first move you can make to get your ex chasing after you again.
Coping with a break up is not easy and because of this it's all too common for the "dumpee" to smother their ex with constant phone calls, texts and emails.
Begging and pleading does not help you save your relationship.
It will actually push your ex farther away from you.
What I'm about to tell you may sound counter intuitive but in order to get your ex back your first move must be to agree with the breakup and give your ex some breathing room.
Now take a moment to think about how subtly powerful this technique is.
This works because people by nature, want what they cannot have, so once you agree with the break up and avoid contact with your ex for a while he or she can begin to miss you.
This will create an emotional state where your ex begins to want you back.
Your ex may begin to wonder why you haven't called and perhaps even wonder if you're seeing someone new.
Amazing as it sounds this one move alone is sometimes all it takes to save your relationship.
Ideally, it is best to agree with the breakup when your boyfriend or girlfriend brings it up.
However even if you resisted and made the mistake of texting and calling constantly it's still not too late to save your relationship.
Here's what you need to do - you must write a hand-written letter and mail it to them.
No texts or emails! A hand-written letter is much more personal and romantic.
In this letter you will write something similar to this; "I know I was acting a little crazy when you mentioned the break up and I've been doing some thinking and I realize now that breaking up is the best thing for both of us.
" Of course you need to write this in your own style just be sure to keep it short and to the point.
There you have it...
your opening move.
Please don't underestimate the power of this seemingly simple technique - give it a try now and see for your self just how effective it is.