- 1). Use a Pokemon with Surf from the docks at Olivine City through Routes 40 and 41 to Cianwood City.
- 2). Enter the Cianwood gym on the left side of town. The gym is a gray building with a brown roof and orange trimming. A gray Pokemon League sign hangs out front.
- 3). Walk into the stream of water and to the left, past Chuck and up the stairs. Ascend the cliffs toward the mechanism controlling the waterfall on the fourth tier. Defeat the two trainers on the left side of the gym and they'll block you from the highest tier of the gym.
- 4). Climb back down and climb the stairs on the right side of the gym. Defeat the two trainers on this side of the gym and get onto the third level of the gym.
- 5). Cross the bridge that goes under the waterfall and connects the right and left sides of the gym. Climb up to the fourth level on the left side of the gym and turn the large red wheel that shuts off the waterfall.
- 6). Climb back down. Chuck will be angered that you interrupted his training and challenge you.