- Disinfecting counters will kill food bacteria from raw meats and eggs. It will prevent cross contamination and disease. In your bathroom, it will prevent excess bacteria from making you sick. These things are especially important if you have many people living in your home or if you have children who have weaker immune systems. The proper ratio for disinfecting counters is ¾ cup bleach to 1 gallon water. Let the solution sit for five minutes on the counter before wiping it off and rinsing it well.
- Wooden cutting boards are extremely porous. This is because they are unfinished and because you are constantly cutting through the board and creating gashes where bacteria can seep in. The proper ratio to use for wooden cutting boards is to mix 3 tbsp. bleach per gallon water. Apply the solution to the board and let it sit for three minutes before rinsing and drying.
- Baby toys, bottle and sippy cups get covered in saliva and bacteria constantly. Disinfecting them properly will help make sure they don't get your baby sick. To disinfect them, mix 1 tbsp. bleach with 1 gallon water. Soak the toy or bottle in the solution for two minutes. Drain them completely and air dry them.
- Cleaning your toilet bowl will not only disinfect it but it will also clean out stains and other buildup. To do this, ensure that there is water in the toilet bowl. Add 1 cup bleach to the water in the toilet bowl. Brush the bleach water onto the toilet. Let it sit for 10 minutes before flushing it. Scrub the toilet before you flush if needed.
Wooden Cutting Boards
Baby Toys
Toilet Bowl