After having gone through an agonizing divorce you suddenly realize that you just cannot move on with your life.
Although your wife and you were unreasonable you feel that as the husband you should have had handled the situation a little better.
You are now cursing and feeling sorry for your wife.
However, sitting at home and thinking about what could have been is not going to help.
You will have to get up and try these fantastic tips.
Be convinced first You will have to convince your rational mind that no matter what you will give your best shot at getting her back.
Only then will you find the courage to go and get her.
Therefore make a firm resolve that you will get her back in your life.
Things will not be as easy as a walk in the park but then nothing in life comes easy.
Reform, reform and more reform The first step that you will have to do is get rid of all the bad habits you had when she was with you.
She must have gotten fed up with your drinking, smoking or working late hours.
Start by kicking off the bad habits and stay clean for some time.
Soon word will get to your ex wife that you are finally changing.
Get in touch with her Now that you have changed yourself a little you will have to meet her personally and let her see it herself.
Meeting her should not be a problem as she is still an ex wife and not yet married.
Meet her after office and take her for coffee or a quick bite.
Stay in touch Now that you have broken the barrier keep in touch with her.
However, do not make it a point to call her every morning and evening.
Once in a week should be just fine.
Have general discussions with her and become her friend all over again.
Offer to take her out On your anniversary or on your kid's birthday ask her out.
Make sure she has lots of fun.
Once she has had one evening of fun with you and the kids it will be easier for you to ask her out alone minus the kids.
After a week or ten days ask her out and this time make the date memorable.
She should see the same man she first fell in love with.
Apologize for all the hurt you caused During the course of the evening steer the conversation to the incidents that led to the divorce.
Sincerely apologize for all the hurt you caused her.
Don't get too sentimental but be sincere in your apology.
Ask her for a second chance Take her out a few times and as she gets used to being with you one fine day ask her for a second chance.
Don't pressure her and if she needs time to think then you should give it to her.
However, if she agrees and says yes drive home with her and surprise your kids.
Although your wife and you were unreasonable you feel that as the husband you should have had handled the situation a little better.
You are now cursing and feeling sorry for your wife.
However, sitting at home and thinking about what could have been is not going to help.
You will have to get up and try these fantastic tips.
Be convinced first You will have to convince your rational mind that no matter what you will give your best shot at getting her back.
Only then will you find the courage to go and get her.
Therefore make a firm resolve that you will get her back in your life.
Things will not be as easy as a walk in the park but then nothing in life comes easy.
Reform, reform and more reform The first step that you will have to do is get rid of all the bad habits you had when she was with you.
She must have gotten fed up with your drinking, smoking or working late hours.
Start by kicking off the bad habits and stay clean for some time.
Soon word will get to your ex wife that you are finally changing.
Get in touch with her Now that you have changed yourself a little you will have to meet her personally and let her see it herself.
Meeting her should not be a problem as she is still an ex wife and not yet married.
Meet her after office and take her for coffee or a quick bite.
Stay in touch Now that you have broken the barrier keep in touch with her.
However, do not make it a point to call her every morning and evening.
Once in a week should be just fine.
Have general discussions with her and become her friend all over again.
Offer to take her out On your anniversary or on your kid's birthday ask her out.
Make sure she has lots of fun.
Once she has had one evening of fun with you and the kids it will be easier for you to ask her out alone minus the kids.
After a week or ten days ask her out and this time make the date memorable.
She should see the same man she first fell in love with.
Apologize for all the hurt you caused During the course of the evening steer the conversation to the incidents that led to the divorce.
Sincerely apologize for all the hurt you caused her.
Don't get too sentimental but be sincere in your apology.
Ask her for a second chance Take her out a few times and as she gets used to being with you one fine day ask her for a second chance.
Don't pressure her and if she needs time to think then you should give it to her.
However, if she agrees and says yes drive home with her and surprise your kids.