Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How to Flirt With a Woman - 3 Tips Every Guy Needs to Know About Flirting

Flirting with a woman is one of those funny things because it is often see as just an automatic response, something that every guy should just instinctively know how to do.
Yet, the reality is, a lot of guys have a little difficulty when it comes to flirting, especially when they are not really sure if they are doing it right.
Truth is, not every guy instinctively knows what to do when it comes time to flirt with a woman and if you don't have a lot of experience, it can be a nerve racking experience.
Here are 3 tips on how to flirt with a woman that every guy should know: 1.
The worst thing that you can do is to try too hard when you flirt with a woman.
This has to be one of the biggest complaints that most women have about nice guys.
And it is that they often try too hard when they flirt with them, interact with them, and try to get them to like them.
Fact is, when you try too hard, you are often making it less likely that you will make a woman feel the way that you want her to feel about you.
You have to see if from their perspective.
When a guy tries too hard, it often comes across like he is trying to force her to feel a certain way, and the only natural response is to reject that attempt.
You have to do more than just recite sweet things to her.
If all it took was reciting a bunch of sweet lines to a woman, then every guy would be able to get every woman they wanted.
And as you and I both know, this is just not the way that it works out.
Think about how easy it would be, and really unappealing if all you had to do was recite some sweet words and then you would have her wanting you.
Part of the thrill comes from the chase, and part of the chase has to do with more than just talking to a woman.
Your body language cannot be incongruent with the image you are trying to convey to a woman.
This is what does in a lot of the guys that try to fake coming across as being someone they are not when they are pursuing a woman.
Their body language just ends up being a dead give away.
Now, most women do not consciously notice this, but subconsciously, they do.
So, you have to pay attention to your body language and not make the mistake of showing a lot of incongruence.
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