Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Why Do Guys Become Suddenly Not Interested? Learn Why Men Tend to Act Hot & Cold All of a Sudden

One day, it seemed that this guy had a crush on you, but before you knew it, he had suddenly lost interest.
Why? There is a wide variety of possible reasons -- it could have been because of something that you did, or maybe not at all! You could look back and try to evaluate what went wrong by asking yourself (or a friend) the following questions: Were you too eager? Men like to hunt and chase, so if you were too excited to be caught, or if you were doing the chasing, then he would find no thrill in the hunt and no reason to pursue.
You need to learn to play it cool and let him work to win your heart.
Were you too available for him? If you came running to him at his every beck and call, then the air of mystery had been greatly diminished.
You need to be a bit more preoccupied and busy with your life to keep his interest up.
Were you changing yourself into something you're not? If you started to do things just because you think it would please him, then you were willing to lose your identity to be accepted.
You need to be more confident in yourself and know that people admire you because you're you.
Did your body language turn him away? Sometimes, pressures can cause you to frown or be stiff and uptight.
He could have caught you in one of your unfriendly moods and interpreted it as a rejection.
Try to be more in control of your emotions, smile often, and watch your body language and facial expressions.
Could he have discovered something that turned him off? Word goes around, and news is carried by the wind.
You could have done or said something that's offensive to him or his friends.
It could be anything, really.
Be yourself, yes, but being nice doesn't hurt.
Has he found someone else? A man looking for a love interest has his options open.
So if he sees a girl that he thinks fit into his ideals more than you do, he'd go for her.
This has nothing to do with you, it's just how it is sometimes.
Could he be preoccupied with something really important? He might not have lost interest in you at all, he could just be going through a tough time or he's trying to solve something in his mind.
Just move on with your life and things will unfold in due time.
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