Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Suffering From Premature Ejaculation? - Causes and Cures Revealed

Premature ejaculation is a condition that is suffered by approximately thirty to forty percent of the male population.
It can also be referred to as rapid ejaculation.
Although many men have been burdened with this condition, there is good news.
It is being successfully treated using both traditional treatments and new methods of treatment available on the market.
What it is - A simple definition of premature ejaculation is the inability to control when you want to ejaculate and reach orgasm, and it occurs sooner than you want it to.
Of course, this will happen to many men on occasion, and it is only when it becomes a pattern and causes some distress that it needs treatment.
Cause - When a man gets run down by either health problems or stress, he will be more easily affected by rapid ejaculation.
Only in rare cases is it caused by a physical condition such as an infection of the urinary tract or the prostate.
In many cases it is just a problem with becoming overly aroused and not being able to control the time of ejaculation.
Being able to change the response that occurs when being aroused is the key to overcoming this condition.
An adult male that has reached an older age will often reflect back on how quickly he ejaculated when he was young.
This was mostly due to inexperience and not knowing when he was going to reach orgasm.
A man with more experience can usually hold his ejaculation back better than a man that has no experience because he has learned more about the physical and emotional reactions he will get during sex.
He will also be more comfortable and have less anxiety performing than a young inexperienced newcomer.
For an older man there may be issues in his life that are the cause of his premature ejaculation problem.
He may have a relationship problem with his partner that he is unable to talk about, he may have work-related issues or some other form of stress that he is unable to deal with.
By dealing with these problems that are not sexually related he may be able to reverse the premature ejaculation problem and get things under control.
Cures - Most men can be cured or at least see dramatic improvements with premature ejaculation by using techniques on their own or by seeking other forms of treatment.
There are various drugs that a doctor can prescribe, but why take a prescription when there are herbal remedies to get the condition under control, as mentioned below.
Sometimes it takes a combination of these various efforts before improvement is seen, but the most important thing is to address it as soon as possible in order to get your sex life back in order.
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