In this article we are going to talk about some signs she likes you.
Now, there are VERY few questions we get more of than how to tell if a girl is flirting...
or simply is just being friendly! And of course sometimes it IS hard to tell for a guy..
but women can see the signs from a mile away! So continue reading on below as we examine 3 sexy, and surefire ways you can be sure she's got YOU on her mind! Read on..
:-) The "Ever present Emily" This is when she's ALWAYS around, either you..
or even more frequently, ALWAYS around your friends..
:-) One of my guy friends calls this the "ever present Emily" after a girl we knew in college who did EXACTLY that every time she found a guy she liked.
Is she always around? Does she simply start showing up in all kinds of odd places that you "happen" to be..
? Or has she suddenly struck up a best friend relationship with all of YOUR friends? Guess what..
she digs YOU! The Nervous Nellie Is she always wired when you are around.
Jumpy? Sort of edgy and kind of fluttery more than flirty? Nerves are a GREAT sign you give her butterflies...
and a GOOD sign she wants you to put her at ease in a hurry..
:-) Beckoning Body Language This is one that girls can SPOT a mile away! A girl whose interested will give you all kinds of signs with how she stands, moves, and even twitches in those involuntary areas..
:-) The hair flip is a textbook example on an unconscious movement that says EVERYTHING you need to know in 2 seconds or less! Once you get the famous flip...
you are IN like Flynn!
Now, there are VERY few questions we get more of than how to tell if a girl is flirting...
or simply is just being friendly! And of course sometimes it IS hard to tell for a guy..
but women can see the signs from a mile away! So continue reading on below as we examine 3 sexy, and surefire ways you can be sure she's got YOU on her mind! Read on..
:-) The "Ever present Emily" This is when she's ALWAYS around, either you..
or even more frequently, ALWAYS around your friends..
:-) One of my guy friends calls this the "ever present Emily" after a girl we knew in college who did EXACTLY that every time she found a guy she liked.
Is she always around? Does she simply start showing up in all kinds of odd places that you "happen" to be..
? Or has she suddenly struck up a best friend relationship with all of YOUR friends? Guess what..
she digs YOU! The Nervous Nellie Is she always wired when you are around.
Jumpy? Sort of edgy and kind of fluttery more than flirty? Nerves are a GREAT sign you give her butterflies...
and a GOOD sign she wants you to put her at ease in a hurry..
:-) Beckoning Body Language This is one that girls can SPOT a mile away! A girl whose interested will give you all kinds of signs with how she stands, moves, and even twitches in those involuntary areas..
:-) The hair flip is a textbook example on an unconscious movement that says EVERYTHING you need to know in 2 seconds or less! Once you get the famous flip...
you are IN like Flynn!