Do men need dating tips? Are there dating tips for men?? Believe it or not, there are. Why? Sad to say, there are men that are uncomfortable around women or when the woman who he is attracted to is around, he freezes or stutters or just plainly runs away. She becomes his cryptonite instead of his super-girl. A line from the movie "HITCH" explains this - "Does it ever occur to women that maybe a guy might like to have a plan, you know, because he's nervous? He's not sure that he could just walk up to you and you'd respond if he said "I like you." "I like you." "I like you!". This thought honestly does scare a guy. And because of this, there are so many tips out there to help a man get his woman. Here are a few i can think of that may help you.
Flirt a lot. Be playful.
Tease her a lot and act like a challenge.
Stay in control and lead the date.
Avoid talking about politics, religion, and controversial topics.
Do Plan Ahead
Be Flexible
Have Backup Plans Ready
Make It Fun
Make It Interactive
Tidy Up Your Place In Case You Hang Out After
Find Somewhere You Can Walk Around
Act positive and optimistic.
Don't make offensive jokes.
Don't act needy or kiss her ass.
Compliment her a little, but not too much.
Remain a challenge
Make Everything Natural
Have Points of Advancement
Be Somewhere Where You Can Control The Situations
Give her your full attention. Don't check out other women.
Make good eye contact.
Have strong body language.
Don't talk about your past relationships, and change topics when she talks about her past relationships.
Be on time.
Play it cool.
Don't get drunk. Seriously.
Dress well and groom yourself before you see her.
Build rapport and have a stimulating conversation.
Act like a gentleman. Open doors and pull out chairs naturally.
Flirt a lot. Be playful.
Tease her a lot and act like a challenge.
Stay in control and lead the date.
Avoid talking about politics, religion, and controversial topics.
Do Plan Ahead
Be Flexible
Have Backup Plans Ready
Make It Fun
Make It Interactive
Tidy Up Your Place In Case You Hang Out After
Find Somewhere You Can Walk Around
Act positive and optimistic.
Don't make offensive jokes.
Don't act needy or kiss her ass.
Compliment her a little, but not too much.
Remain a challenge
Make Everything Natural
Have Points of Advancement
Be Somewhere Where You Can Control The Situations
Give her your full attention. Don't check out other women.
Make good eye contact.
Have strong body language.
Don't talk about your past relationships, and change topics when she talks about her past relationships.
Be on time.
Play it cool.
Don't get drunk. Seriously.
Dress well and groom yourself before you see her.
Build rapport and have a stimulating conversation.
Act like a gentleman. Open doors and pull out chairs naturally.