Health & Medical: How to Conceive Quickly and Easily

How to Conceive Quickly and Easily

Conceiving quickly and easily is not among the ranks of the impossible if you are clued in to what you need to know. By changing your diet and knowing what should and should not go inside your body, you prep yourself up for higher chances of conceiving.

Health & Medical: Electronic Fetal Heart Monitoring

Electronic Fetal Heart Monitoring

Electronic fetal heart monitoring is done during pregnancy, labor, and delivery to monitor the heart rate of your baby (fetus) and the strength and duration of the contractions of your uterus.

Health & Medical: Birthing Options for Pregnant Women

Birthing Options for Pregnant Women

As a mother or expectant couple you have so many options when thinking about the types of birth you want to have. These days you have the power to choose a birth plan that suits the beginning you want to give your baby. It is a decision that should be made once armed with all the facts.

Health & Medical: Birth Control Pills - All Types Have Side Effects

Birth Control Pills - All Types Have Side Effects

Side effects of medication are an accepted fact of life these days, and this is true for birth control pills as well. These pills contain hormones that are entering the body and inducing alterations, so naturally, as the body adjusts to this influx, it may feel odd in some ways. Some of them disappe

Health & Medical: Why You Need to Learn How to Combat Morning Sickness - For You and Your Baby!

Why You Need to Learn How to Combat Morning Sickness - For You and Your Baby!

Learning how to combat morning sickness is essential to the health of both you and your baby. Unfortunately, it can be so hard to deal with morning sickness every day - and some people suffer with it so badly that they end up in the hospital. Keep reading to see why it is vital for you to find some

Health & Medical: How to Get Pregnant Faster

How to Get Pregnant Faster

So, what's the difference between those couples who manage to hit the jackpot after just a month or two and those for whom conception takes the best part of a year? What tips can you implement if you want to know how to get pregnant faster? First of all, the good news is that much of what you c

Health & Medical: Is Natural Childbirth Right For You?

Is Natural Childbirth Right For You?

Natural childbirth is the process of having a baby without using medications or surgery. Some people may take it so far as to describe it as a birth without any interventions at all. While this is see

Health & Medical: Go For 40+ Weeks and Let Your Baby Pick His/Her Own Birthday

Go For 40+ Weeks and Let Your Baby Pick His/Her Own Birthday

Many women can't wait to reach each week of pregnancy, until the last couple of weeks when they feel uncomfortable, swollen, awkward, and tired from waking up in the middle of the night to pee and not able to get back to sleep. "Getting the baby out" sounds like a good idea, but a ful

Health & Medical: Are You Expecting Twins?

Are You Expecting Twins?

Here you will learn certain things to do if you are expecting twins or multiples. Mothers of super twins need special care during pregnancy.

Health & Medical: Benefits and Drawbacks of Leading Baseboard Heaters

Benefits and Drawbacks of Leading Baseboard Heaters

Baseboard heaters are often used to supply supplemental heat in houses. You will hardly ever find them used as the primal heating supply; they are used to support the existing heat system so rooms can ...

Health & Medical: Baby Gender Selection - The Simple Science of Choosing Sex of Baby

Baby Gender Selection - The Simple Science of Choosing Sex of Baby

Do you want to know how you can manipulate that science to your advantage to conceive a baby boy or baby girl? Are you searching the information about Baby Gender Selection? Why sex at certain times in your fertility cycle is almost certain to result in a baby girl or boy? Do you know that you can m

Health & Medical: Eating Healthy Foods To Control Bloating And Swelling In Pregnancy

Eating Healthy Foods To Control Bloating And Swelling In Pregnancy

One of the most general concerns of pregnant women is bloating in pregnancy. This is largely due to the fact that a pregnant woman's digestion slows down significantly, since the digestive tract spends more time in absorbing nutrients from the foods that you eat up. Your body basically now has

Health & Medical: Where To Find Maternity Acupressure Spots

Where To Find Maternity Acupressure Spots

For people that have used the maternity acupressure spots, finding them again can be easy. But for women that have never used the maternity acupressure method, it can be an intimidating thought that leads them to choose other options.

Health & Medical: Pregnancy Week 2 and Week 3

Pregnancy Week 2 and Week 3

Women, who are 2 weeks pregnant, can expect even more bodily changes. They are officially in their 1st trimester with two more to go through. Being prepared for this stage in pregnancy is the best way