Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Tips To Get Pregnant Fast - Supplementation For Fertility

A healthy balanced diet may provide your body with all the essential nutrients for total wellness. However, looking at today's lifestyle, poor diet and the stress that comes together with it may affect your well-being and consequently the health of your reproductive system. It is here that supplementation is necessary in providing the essential nutrients that your body need. Dietary supplementation can be very effective in balancing your hormones, improving your overall health and increase your chances of getting pregnant. Now more fertility experts are recommending supplements for fertility and a healthy conception.

These are some of the supplements women may consider to enhance their fertility. In some cases, these may be helpful for the men too.

1. Folic acid, also known as folate or Vitamin B9, has been proven to aid conception and is one of the few nutrients known to prevent neural tube birth defects, such as spina bifida. Women who do not get enough may increase their chance of miscarriage or still births. It is recommended that women trying to become pregnant and all pregnant women, take folic acid supplement of 400-800 mcg/day. Folic acid has a beneficial effect on male fertility too. The consumption of folic acid in men may boost the quality and quantity of sperm, new research suggests. So, ideally men should include folic acid in their diet for high quality sperm counts.

2. Essential fatty acids (EFA) generally promotes your overall health, and specifically the health of your reproductive system. The three excellent sources of essential fatty acids are borage oil, flaxseed oil and purified fish oil. In men, EFA may result in healthier sperm, better motility and hence, may increase better chances of a successful conception.

3. Calcium is very important for the women in preparation for conception by building up calcium stores for use during pregnancy. It also helps in alkalizing the body, creating a favourable environment for the sperm and fertilized egg.

4. Vitamin C is an anti-oxidant which helps in strengthening your immune system. When taken in the right dosage, it may help increase your fertility by improving your cervical fluid, which is vital for transporting the sperm to meet up with your eggs. However, over dosage of vitamin C can cause your cervical fluid to dry up, and therefore, preventing the sperm from reaching the eggs. The recommended dosage is 500mg of vitamin C supplements daily, but you can go as high as 1000mg, but do not exceed more than 1000mg per day. Vitamin C can also help increase sperm count in men.

5. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant which helps improve the immune system. It is very important for fertility and the reproductive system of both sexes. In women, it may help prevent miscarriages. The recommended amount is 400-800 IU per day.

Nutritional supplementation plays an important role in optimizing both the men and the women's chances of a successful conception, especially for those trying to get pregnant [] at an older age. You need to consult your doctor or the fertility expert as to which supplements you should take and its recommended dosage. Too much of the good things may not necessarily be good for you.
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