Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Pregnancy Nausea Is Quite Normal!

One of the most usual symptoms of pregnancy nausea can be felt by pregnant women throughout the day.
It is also known as morning sickness and is caused by the hormones that surge round the body of the would be mother, readying it for the carrying the fetus.
Nauseating is common to almost all women who are expecting.
Nausea may be experienced by women around the second to the sixth week of pregnancy and may last until the end of their first trimester of conception.
Mild nausea and vomiting, generally referred to as morning sickness is more common if the expecting mom is empty stomach.
Also, as the sense of smell and odors is enhanced in women during pregnancies, they oftentimes feel nauseated by the pungent smells around them.
As a matter of fact, some smells may even trigger the gag reflex of pregnant women instantly.
Almost all pregnant women experience nausea during their first trimester of pregnancy.
However, this nausea generally goes away by the second trimester.
Yet, for certain women, vomiting and nausea may continue even past the first 3 months of pregnancy.
Nevertheless, there are many ways in which pregnant women can curb their nausea.
The first thing to do is to get up slowly in the morning.
Fast movements can make the nausea worse, therefore it is best to sit on the side of the bed for a few moments every day before getting out of the bed.
One can also eat a light snack like crackers before getting out of bed to avoid nausea.
Another great way of abstaining from queasiness is to eat five to six small meals every day.
Pregnant women must never let their stomach get completely empty.
They should always eat foods that smell and taste good to them.
Eating bland foods would enable them to digest the food with ease and thereby escape morning sickness.
Snacks like peanut butter and nuts that are high in protein must be eaten by them.
Drinking fluids a number of times each day would help them get rid of nausea.
It is essential for pregnant women to get plenty of fresh air.
This way, they would also be able to avoid the smells that are unpleasant to them.
Avoiding fatty foods or foods that are hard to digest would enable expecting mothers to shun morning sickness.
These tips would enable any impregnated woman to dodge nausea.
Pregnancy nausea is a natural phenomenon, thus would be mothers must not worry about occasional vomiting.
Mild nausea is not a threat to the health of the baby as long as the pregnant lady is able to keep some food down and drink ample fluids.
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