Not expecting to deliver by c-section?Ah, but you could! One of the most amazing statistics today is the one surrounding the birth of your baby.
What I'm referring to is having a c-section birth.
Did you know that the c-section rate in the U.
for 2005 was 30.
2%, up from 29.
1% in 2004 and it has been estimate that about one woman in three gave birth by cesarean in 2006.
That means that YOU also have about a 1 in 3 chance of having a c-section.
Why is that? To accurately answer this question, it helps to know why a c-section is necessary and what you might do to help avoid one.
The four most common medical causes of c-section birth are repeat c sections, failure of labor to progress, breech presentation and fetal distress.
There has also been a decline in VBAC births (vaginal birth after c-section), due in part to hospitals and physicians banning VBACs based on cost concerns and fear of liability.
In addition we're also seeing more moms electing to have a c-section due to convenience and/or the fear of the pain of childbirth.
But most first time moms don't typically plan on having a c-section unless their health is at risk or the health of the baby is at risk.
So it's not until many hours of labor when a first time mom will be hit with the surprise that she needs a c-section.
So what does this mean for you as a pregnant mom? It means that you should be ready for the possibility.
It's almost impossible to predict whether a woman will experience failure to progress during labor or encounter fetal distress but these are two very common scenarios.
But more importantly, you should also understand why c-sections are performed and what your options may be based on medical conditions at the time.
Having a c-section doesn't have to be a horrible event, in fact I'm committed to helping women put their worries to rest, but there can be high anxiety and moments of fear if it's unexpected.
My advice to you is to clearly understand why a c-section may be necessary, what you can do to prevent one and have a plan in the event it does happen.
Having a plan and covering all your bases can make a HUGE difference not only in the birthing experience but in your bonding and healing as well.
C-sections are often a very necessary procedure and if there comes a time when it's the best option for you, you'll be less stressed and much more at ease if you're are prepared.
What I'm referring to is having a c-section birth.
Did you know that the c-section rate in the U.
for 2005 was 30.
2%, up from 29.
1% in 2004 and it has been estimate that about one woman in three gave birth by cesarean in 2006.
That means that YOU also have about a 1 in 3 chance of having a c-section.
Why is that? To accurately answer this question, it helps to know why a c-section is necessary and what you might do to help avoid one.
The four most common medical causes of c-section birth are repeat c sections, failure of labor to progress, breech presentation and fetal distress.
There has also been a decline in VBAC births (vaginal birth after c-section), due in part to hospitals and physicians banning VBACs based on cost concerns and fear of liability.
In addition we're also seeing more moms electing to have a c-section due to convenience and/or the fear of the pain of childbirth.
But most first time moms don't typically plan on having a c-section unless their health is at risk or the health of the baby is at risk.
So it's not until many hours of labor when a first time mom will be hit with the surprise that she needs a c-section.
So what does this mean for you as a pregnant mom? It means that you should be ready for the possibility.
It's almost impossible to predict whether a woman will experience failure to progress during labor or encounter fetal distress but these are two very common scenarios.
But more importantly, you should also understand why c-sections are performed and what your options may be based on medical conditions at the time.
Having a c-section doesn't have to be a horrible event, in fact I'm committed to helping women put their worries to rest, but there can be high anxiety and moments of fear if it's unexpected.
My advice to you is to clearly understand why a c-section may be necessary, what you can do to prevent one and have a plan in the event it does happen.
Having a plan and covering all your bases can make a HUGE difference not only in the birthing experience but in your bonding and healing as well.
C-sections are often a very necessary procedure and if there comes a time when it's the best option for you, you'll be less stressed and much more at ease if you're are prepared.