Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

11 Foods to Eat During Your Pregnancy

The right nutrition is important for pregnant women.
As most realize, while pregnant, you are not only eating to stay healthy and strong yourself, but you are eating so that your child develops properly and has all of the appropriate nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
Guidance during this period in one's life is often helpful, as women who are pregnant for the first time may not fully understand the appropriate diet for pregnancy.
To start, foods to avoid during pregnancy include deli meat, fish high in mercury, raw shellfish, raw eggs, soft cheeses, unpasteurized milk, unwashed vegetables and any undercooked meats.
Others should also be avoided and it is up to the woman to get together with her doctor to discuss her diet.
Nonetheless, the following are 11 foods to eat for a healthy pregnancy.
* Green, leafy vegetables are high in vitamins A, C and E, folic acid and iron.
* Blueberries are great for vitamin C and magnesium, and are also full of antioxidants.
Try adding blueberries to yogurt, cereal and other foods.
* Apples for fiber and vitamin C are good for pregnant women, and are easy snacks to carry around.
* Lean chicken breast is another food to eat during pregnancy.
Just make sure that it's cooked appropriately and it's a great source of protein, not to mention selenium, niacin and vitamin B6 and even omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids.
* Nuts are another source of protein and are easy to carry with you to work or when running errands.
* Whole grains such as bread that is high in fiber and that has been enriched with folate or folic acid are great as well.
* Cereals can also be good for pregnant women.
Choose a cereal high in fiber and protein, but low in fat.
Those enriched with folate are good options.
* Beans (red, black and pinto) are high in fiber, protein, folate and tryptophan.
* Eating and drinking at least four servings of dairy products and foods rich in calcium every day is also recommended.
Just make sure to avoid soft cheeses and unpasteurized milk.
A glass of milk with dinner is a good source of calcium.
* Having a yogurt as an afternoon snack is another way to add a serving of calcium.
* To satisfy your sweet tooth, a banana smoothie or a frozen nonfat sorbet made with all fruit are good options and can keep you from indulging in processed foods and treats high in fat.
While it is clearly not a food, drinking plenty of water during pregnancy is important.
Water works to carry the nutrients from your food to your child.
Six 8 ounce glasses a day are often recommended, adding one glass for each hour of physical activity.
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