Pregnancy is a wonderful experience.
And breastfeeding is equally as wonderful.
But can you handle both - at the same time? In most cases, the answer is a resounding yes.
If your nursling is under the age of one year old when you become pregnant, breastfeeding may be a challenge but breast milk is the preferred nutrition source for your child.
Even if your nursling is older, breastfeeding is possible.
So how can you make it work? 1.
Check with your Obstetrician or midwife to make sure all is well with you and the baby inside.
If you are at high risk of miscarriage, breastfeeding may be discouraged.
Breastfeeding can cause your uterus to contract.
Get plenty of rest to combat fatigue.
Pregnancy hormones may cause your nipples to be especially tender also.
Feed on demand to combat pregnancy hormone induced low milk supply.
Healthy pregnancy hormones can affect milk supply, especially during the second trimester.
At this time the taste of the milk may change as well.
Keep a close eye on nursling's growth and development.
Should need be consider supplementation.
Find Support.
Seek out help from a board certified lactation consultant or peer support from local breastfeeding support group like the La Leche league.
Weaning from the breast during pregnancy is not necessary.
You may even wish to tandem nurse both of your children when the newborn arrives.
Breastfeeding while pregnant is possible and preferable to premature weaning.
If it is your desire to continue, GO FOR IT.
Liz Pevytoe, RN, IBCLC About the author: Liz is a registered nurse lactation consultant in Texas.
She runs a breastfeeding website, works part time at a hospital as a lactation consultant and home schools her children.
And breastfeeding is equally as wonderful.
But can you handle both - at the same time? In most cases, the answer is a resounding yes.
If your nursling is under the age of one year old when you become pregnant, breastfeeding may be a challenge but breast milk is the preferred nutrition source for your child.
Even if your nursling is older, breastfeeding is possible.
So how can you make it work? 1.
Check with your Obstetrician or midwife to make sure all is well with you and the baby inside.
If you are at high risk of miscarriage, breastfeeding may be discouraged.
Breastfeeding can cause your uterus to contract.
Get plenty of rest to combat fatigue.
Pregnancy hormones may cause your nipples to be especially tender also.
Feed on demand to combat pregnancy hormone induced low milk supply.
Healthy pregnancy hormones can affect milk supply, especially during the second trimester.
At this time the taste of the milk may change as well.
Keep a close eye on nursling's growth and development.
Should need be consider supplementation.
Find Support.
Seek out help from a board certified lactation consultant or peer support from local breastfeeding support group like the La Leche league.
Weaning from the breast during pregnancy is not necessary.
You may even wish to tandem nurse both of your children when the newborn arrives.
Breastfeeding while pregnant is possible and preferable to premature weaning.
If it is your desire to continue, GO FOR IT.
Liz Pevytoe, RN, IBCLC About the author: Liz is a registered nurse lactation consultant in Texas.
She runs a breastfeeding website, works part time at a hospital as a lactation consultant and home schools her children.