Have you ever wondered if there was really a way to increase your chances of having a little boy? The truth is that nothing is for sure, but there are a lot of people who have tried different tricks and techniques only to come out with exactly what they hoped for - a precious baby boy.
According to most doctors, only the father can determine the sex of the child.
Is there anything wrong with having a preference? Absolutely not.
The truth is that most people have a preference.
If it is your dream to conceive a baby boy, then fret not because there are some things you can do to increase your chances, no matter what the doctors say! 1.
Alter Your Diet - Do this a few weeks before you plan to conceive.
It has been suggested that salty and potassium-rich foods are the best.
Other foods that are great for conceiving a boy include raisins, red meat, eggs, beans, apples, etc.
Anything that is high in alkaline is recommended.
Avoid foods that are acidic.
Drink Cough Syrup - Females who are hoping for a boy need to drink cough syrup (within suggested amounts of course).
The reason why this works is due to its thinning effects on the cervical mucous.
Studies suggest that the key ingredient in cough syrup, guaifenesin, is what helps matters along.
It promotes quicker implantation for the Y chromosome, or the male sperm.
Try Different Positions - During intercourse, the position suggestion for conceiving a boy is rear-entry.
There is really no specific scientific research that supports this theory, but various studies have proven this to be a much more effective way to increase those chances.
Have Intercourse Just Before Ovulation - Although there is no way to be 100% sure, this particular method has had a lot of positive results.
The reason why this works is because the male sperm are much quicker swimmers than the female sperm, thus, making it to the egg before it is too late.
The female sperm are slower, but stronger, and can outlast the male sperm in the reproductive tract.
The best way to go about achieving success with this method is to abstain from intercourse for about a week before ovulation, and then give it a try just before starting.
As you can see, there are various ways of increasing your chances on having a boy.
If one doesn't work, just remember that you can always keep on trying.
Some people would rather take a more scientific approach, and for those people is the option of having in vitro fertilization performed, which can get extremely pricey.
Nevertheless, there are always more natural ways of going about it.
When it comes down to it, the choice is up to you!
According to most doctors, only the father can determine the sex of the child.
Is there anything wrong with having a preference? Absolutely not.
The truth is that most people have a preference.
If it is your dream to conceive a baby boy, then fret not because there are some things you can do to increase your chances, no matter what the doctors say! 1.
Alter Your Diet - Do this a few weeks before you plan to conceive.
It has been suggested that salty and potassium-rich foods are the best.
Other foods that are great for conceiving a boy include raisins, red meat, eggs, beans, apples, etc.
Anything that is high in alkaline is recommended.
Avoid foods that are acidic.
Drink Cough Syrup - Females who are hoping for a boy need to drink cough syrup (within suggested amounts of course).
The reason why this works is due to its thinning effects on the cervical mucous.
Studies suggest that the key ingredient in cough syrup, guaifenesin, is what helps matters along.
It promotes quicker implantation for the Y chromosome, or the male sperm.
Try Different Positions - During intercourse, the position suggestion for conceiving a boy is rear-entry.
There is really no specific scientific research that supports this theory, but various studies have proven this to be a much more effective way to increase those chances.
Have Intercourse Just Before Ovulation - Although there is no way to be 100% sure, this particular method has had a lot of positive results.
The reason why this works is because the male sperm are much quicker swimmers than the female sperm, thus, making it to the egg before it is too late.
The female sperm are slower, but stronger, and can outlast the male sperm in the reproductive tract.
The best way to go about achieving success with this method is to abstain from intercourse for about a week before ovulation, and then give it a try just before starting.
As you can see, there are various ways of increasing your chances on having a boy.
If one doesn't work, just remember that you can always keep on trying.
Some people would rather take a more scientific approach, and for those people is the option of having in vitro fertilization performed, which can get extremely pricey.
Nevertheless, there are always more natural ways of going about it.
When it comes down to it, the choice is up to you!