Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Stretch Mark Prevention Tips

When you are pregnant, your body has to stretch and adapt to the new life that is forming and growing within it.
This implies, of course, major changes: hormonal, emotional, changes in the chemical composition of your body and, inevitably, changes that affect its size.
You will gain some pounds and get a beautifully round tummy within a few months from the day you got the news or the confirmation from your doctor.
Will these changes affect you for life? Will you ever go back to who you were before having the baby? Well, let truth be said, you will never go back to before being pregnant.
You are now becoming a mother and you will be one for all the rest of your life.
This is to say that you are a fully grown woman, having attained her ultimate potential of love and humanity, which is motherhood.
Still, you can and will come back to your usual aspect after your baby is born, provided that you take care of some aspects of your pregnancy.
Almost every pregnant woman gets stretch marks, mostly after reaching the sixth month, when the baby grows faster and bigger than ever.
When you will be there, your skin will be stretching to cover the new body mass, and the stretch marks are due to appear.
What you can do to prevent that, however, is to help your skin face the change: hydrate yourself, so it will also keep hydrated, eat healthy food, rich in vitamins, minerals and folic acids.
Most importantly, keep the weight gain within 25 to 35 pounds, not more.
Gaining weight while pregnant is a normal thing, as long as you remain within these limits.
Besides hydrating so that the skin moisturizes properly, you can also give it a little hand by applying lotions.
Usually, the ones with cocoa butter are preferred by the young mothers-to-be, but you might get along something else.
Jojoba oil is also effective, coconut oil etc.
You will want to use them if the skin starts to itch.
Scratching it at this point will probably leave you with scars, so it's best that you pick the oil that you like and use it instead.
Take care of your own body and soul, and you can be sure that your pregnancy will be a healthy, wonderful experience.
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