Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Getting Pregnant after Miscarriage - What you should know

When considering pregnancy after miscarriage, there are a number of things a couple should be aware of. They should first consider the chances of experiencing a miscarriage again. Then, they should consider when it is medically safe to try for another pregnancy. Lastly, they should research and determine the proper medical treatments or advice needed.

It is normal to worry that you may experience a miscarriage again. Many couples allows this fear to prevent them from trying to become pregnant again. Fortunately, for most women, the chances of experiencing a second miscarriage are not high. Typically, if a women has a miscarriage, she has an 85% chance of a successful, full term pregnancy after her first miscarriage. If you are over the age of 35 or you have previously experienced more than one miscarriage, you may want to consult a specialist before trying to become pregnant again.

A miscarriage can leave deep emotional scars but physically, it can also be very stressful on the body. When considering whether or not to try for another pregnancy, a woman should consider if she is physically healthy enough to endure a pregnancy. Time is the biggest factor when considering if you are ready to try for another pregnancy. Typically, it is medically safe to conceive after two to three menstrual cycles. If you do not feel that your body is ready to become pregnant after this time, you can consult a physician for more information. Some physicians will recommend that you wait up to a year before attempting pregnancy again.

In most cases, it will not be necessary to consult a medical specialist before attempting to become pregnant after a miscarriage, but under some circumstances it will be necessary. If you fall into the following categories, you should consider consulting a specialist before trying to become pregnant again.

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