Do you want to know how you can manipulate that science to your advantage to conceive a baby boy or baby girl? Are you searching the information about Baby Gender Selection? Why sex at certain times in your fertility cycle is almost certain to result in a baby girl or boy? Do you know that you can make easy changes to your diet that stack the odds of conceiving the baby of your dreams? Do you want to know more about diet gender selection? What positions are best for the conception of a boy or a girl? Determine the sex of baby: The sex of a baby will always be determined by whether an egg is fertilized with either sperm containing the "x" chromosome or sperm containing the "Y" chromosome.
Sperm that contain the "x" chromosome are female.
Sperm that contain the "y" chromosome are male sperm.
This would suggest that when a male sperm(y) fertilizes the egg then a baby boy is the end result .
Then it is true to assume that when a female sperm fertilizes the egg that a baby boy will be the end result.
Knowing the difference between each type of sperm helps you to plan to have intercourse during the time that would best facilitate each type of sperm.
Believe it or not you can also manipulate your sexual positions during intercourse to determine the sex of baby.
Male and female sperm are also different from each other in there makeup.
Male sperm are always smaller, faster and more fragile.
Female sperm by contrast are larger, slower and tougher.
It's important that you have a good understand about the difference between "X" and "Y" chromosome sperm.
Knowing these differences will allow you to pull odds in your favor to determine the sex of baby.
Baby Gender Selection depends on three easy steps: Step #1: Timing & PH Levels Step #2: Minor Diet Adjustments Step #3: Intercourse Positions
Sperm that contain the "x" chromosome are female.
Sperm that contain the "y" chromosome are male sperm.
This would suggest that when a male sperm(y) fertilizes the egg then a baby boy is the end result .
Then it is true to assume that when a female sperm fertilizes the egg that a baby boy will be the end result.
Knowing the difference between each type of sperm helps you to plan to have intercourse during the time that would best facilitate each type of sperm.
Believe it or not you can also manipulate your sexual positions during intercourse to determine the sex of baby.
Male and female sperm are also different from each other in there makeup.
Male sperm are always smaller, faster and more fragile.
Female sperm by contrast are larger, slower and tougher.
It's important that you have a good understand about the difference between "X" and "Y" chromosome sperm.
Knowing these differences will allow you to pull odds in your favor to determine the sex of baby.
Baby Gender Selection depends on three easy steps: Step #1: Timing & PH Levels Step #2: Minor Diet Adjustments Step #3: Intercourse Positions